Ric Flair's Alligator Shoes

<Insert husbands favorite thing> make him happy+I like him happy=no convincing necessary.” - Please go share this attitude on Jezebel before the feminists take over :-)

Didn’t ask for a dime. Two dollars.

I say this in jest but seriously, what is wrong with human beings? Are we that bored lol?? When does this become a good idea?

Feminism 3.0: We always do our best to protect the innocent as long as the innocent aren’t gay men. Lesbians are fine, hell we’ll even protect Transgenders. Just don’t be a gay man and try and expect some modicum of privacy.

And this, friends, is the nail being hit right on the fucking head. *clap*

It’s kind of deflating to hear that this nonsense may continue for several years.

I saw your wife last night. She said she’s ready to boil the ocean if you don’t stop reading stupid Sploid articles ;-)

I just sat down at my desk with a fresh cup of coffee, looked at my notifications, clicked on your comment, and spat out my coffee.

I’m raising some water temps myself with this delicious pound cake.

That guy has some balls. I wouldn’t do that. End of discussion.

The Van Buren Boys over on 168th and 6th would like a word or two with you...

Give me 20 bucks and I’ll go beat the shit out of him for ya

It genuinely saddens me and host of others that cursive/italics is no longer taught in a majority of schools.

Not only does it violate HIPAA, Deadspin is violating HIPAA by reprinting it. I hope JPP joins the Hulk Hogan lawsuit.

You really have some serious first world problems.

I’d venture that the 99% of this is due to the ridiculous and overbearing regulations on getting painkillers from a doctor. This is a direct consequence of that stupidity.

The concept of privilege is a myth. If you think it exists, try being a white-anglo-saxon-male for a day.

The final fight scene is one of the most satisfying fight scenes in any movie ever made. Just absolutely flawless.

When McCrosky hears about this, the shit’s really gonna hit the fan.