
Holy fucking shit you are even worse than I imagined. I revise my previous curse. Since you think it's such a great idea for patients to bring their own medical equipment from home, may you die of a staph infection. Feet first.

Do your own homework, hatebitch.

I hope you die of something treatable because isner-mahut was in charge of deciding if you deserved to have any money spent on you.

FWIW, I'm not telling anyone anything. I'm having an opinion.

Oh hey look at you, doing the thing. You know, the thing in the article? The article right up there, that's all about not doing the thing?

Of-fucking-course he does.


I bet you looked amazing :)

How are you so dumb to not realize someone might have good reasons for turning cellular data off?

But it's incorrect to double-space, so you're just eliminating intelligent well-educated candidates.

None of those options save money compared to not serving food, and also it's 2014 stop feeding garbage to your children.

That's not what "sucking off" means in this context, booboo.

He's guilty of grievous bodily harm, on par with dismemberment. That's serious enough for justice to be served.

There's no need to do that though because until birth the fetus is part of a woman's body, and it's already illegal to kill part of someone's body.

God I would give just anything to read the Conservative Internet Commenter Style Guide. The rigorous avoidance of the word "I," the stalwart refusal to use contractions, the bizarre, invented hyphenates. As soon as I get a copy I'm gonna Eats, Shoots and Leaves that shit and make my fortune.

If you want to really go down that rabbithole, some hotels close to AG stores offer a special vacation package where they provide you with a doll-sized hotel bed AND a doll-sized bathrobe.

No, it's a total lie.

That's not true, they have loaner dolls if the kid wants one, and the training specifically highlights a "don't make anyone cry" rule. There's plenty of actual awful stuff about AG, don't make things up.

No no no don't you see, if something is legal, you can't criticize it! Ever!

That's not what shade means at all but otherwise yes to all of this.