
It really sucks that it doesn’t have the correct control mapping when using a GameCube controller, and that the analog triggers don’t work. Since the GameCube controller adapter is a thing, they should have made it work. I’m probably just gonna switch to Galaxy, even though Sunshine has so much nostalgia for me.

Get ready for the influx of some disappointed fucking kids pics.

yep. Thanks to them, I eventually was able to snag one

Me after double confirming my reservation says series x and not One X

Hey now, they have been the “best” chance to “buy” this system for a lot of us. I was finally able to snag a Series X due to their staggered release of batches.

Speaking of errors, there are going to be a lot of pissed/confused people in 2-3 days when they get their Xbox “X”.

This might seem really dark, but fuck if bezos isn’t a modern day plantation owner.

I’ll get to enjoy it now vs later as I would be getting it regardless.

Who cares? If someone wants whichever console in question how does it impact you? 

Lol @ fucking internet judging culture. Your life will not significantly impacted by anyone else’s desire to purchase an Xbox on launch day or difficulties to do so. But you decided to be a feckless little punk about it. Congratulations on your 11 upvotes at my time of voting. Your mom must be real proud. 

Yeah, let's mock those dummies who were excited about something! Who do they think they are?

Why do people keeps calling console pre-order FOMO? it’s not FOMO, if it was trully FOMO, it would mean that the console would in a limited release and not be available after that initial phase.

People that pre-order new console is just because they want it on launch day and can afford it. There’s no fear of missing

I tried Target, Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, and BestBuy. Target kept putting it in my cart and then wouldn’t process payment, and then they would remove it. At about 1153 Amazon started magically working and I got one.

I tried Target, Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, and BestBuy. Target kept putting it in my cart and then wouldn’t process

Yeah, I managed to snag one from Microsoft’s site so easily that I thought to myself how much better this pre-order was handled than the PS5 nightmare.

Nope. Turns out I just got lucky and that this was every bit the shitshow that the PS5 pre-orders were.

I genuinely wonder when, if ever, game console launches will

I mean, my life will be fine, sure. I’d still like one to replace my One X. But it’s incredibly frustrating that there’s Xbox Series X pre-orders for sale on my local Facebook Marketplace for $800.

Same at Target. I eventually just started spamming the buttons, eventually got to the checkout page, and kept spamming the final checkout button. The actual web page never updated, but i got a confirmation email and it showed up in my account history, so whatever.

Definitely a lottery. I was on the page when the Pre-Order Now button showed up. I was in an Incognito tab just to make sure web cache wasn’t botched up. Once I configured everything, it was a snail’s race to the finish line of confirming my address and clicking complete order. This was no better than what happened

Everybody keeps calling this “FOMO” but it’s really more of an instant vs. delayed gratification thing, right? FOMO is more of a social thing, you fear missing out on fun that others are having. This is mostly just, I’d rather have this thing/experience sooner, but it’ll still be there later.

Yeah, it was basically just a refresh lottery.  I just got errors.

What is it like, soaring so far above the rabble while also being inside of your own ass?