
They do, sort of. The law requires MS to hand over pertinent information when presented with a FISA Court order - it does not require MS to make it easy for them to do so. For example, Twitter refused to comply with the partnership request (for reasons unknown to me).

It's a good thing MS gave NSA pre-encrypted access to all of its accounts, since the NSA's position is that any encrypted transmission in the US may be subjected to direct surveillance. Really dodged a philosophical bullet there, MS.

Thanks for the tip! When will I be able to sign in to Giz with a DuckDuckGo account?

My mom was a flight attendant in the 70s. She was an angel. True story. That was a time before the peanut scare, but when stewardesses had to be of a certain age, weight, and prettiness - an altogether different hassle.

It's unfortunate what happened to Luca. He was an excellent crewmember, Dave. Darn that AE-35 unit.

If you do not detect an odorless, invisible, and non-toxic gas, say nothing.

It was a local brew in Ireland between about 1850-1950, when the brewery went under. Another company bought the name, and then, in the 80s, Coors bought the rights to the name, itself. So, marketing. As you might expect, like most "Irish reds", the brew was originally an ale. Coors doesn't do ales, but they had the

Picked up a sixer of this last night for the 4th on a whim!

As somebody who's taken the Shitty Beers of the World taste test, there's something surprisingly liberating and joyful about walking into your favorite big mix-a-six bottle shop and walking out with a case and a half of the world's shittiest specimens.

As far as shitty American-style lagers go, I've always been partial to Killian's Irish Red (Coors) and Dundee's Honey Brown (Genesee Brewing). Cheap as they are, I think they're both 100% malted barley.

The only plan that you can slap an "almost!" sticker on (with the exception of the Holland Tunnel/bridge one) is probably Robert Moses's plan to build a SoHo superhighway. That dick's piss poor concept of urban planning managed to destroy countless neighborhoods, displace tens of thousands of families, AND chase the

Hipsters love karaoke.

It's the subtle lens flare.

Trap door into vat of bunker oil that opens up on home team after a loss.

The best part was the bug splat at 2:30.

Ceiling cat need only reach down for his quarry.

I just named my band Methoxy Radical.

No, but the Chinese lantern that started it caught a decent thermal draft.

Yes. It's an incinerator now.

What's the conversation rate from tonnes to tons? I think that's like 55,000 tons. That's probably 5,000 tons more than people thought when they first read the headline!