
And if it was available in a brown station wagon body.

Yeah, dumb thing to say on my part, there.  Strike that!

I’m sure we would all line up to buy one if it only had a manual! 

And with Pininfarina's vast dealer network it should be no problem having this thing serviced in the future.

Bud Light presents: Real Men of Genius

Sitting here at work thinking that gif up top is a pretty good metaphor for my career.

It was more useful than any of your comments

Are they planning a Cars and Coffee event under it tomorrow?

Your take is bad and you should feel bad about posting it.

There are unassisted speed records too. Calm down and appreciate someone who had the guts to go 184 mph on a bicycle. If you think that's not impressive, go look up the unassisted speed records. 

It’s official: Russia has won the Spacer Race.

This comment is poetry.

The “forgotten” Ferrari. Iconic and well-remembered, but criminally overlooked. Yes, the prices have finally started to creep up, but that only because 308s are now selling for what Testarossas used to… and 308s are selling for that much because Mondials are selling for what used to be 308 prices.

These videos seem to fall flat after a little while, though.

I’d be hard pressed to find something more fascinating, myself.

I never tire of watching stuff like that.

Can we all step back for a moment to realize that firefighters are highly trained individuals who would never prioritize the preservation of an inanimate object, no matter how significant in some opinions, over a life? 

These people triage. They wouldn’t be pushing a car out of a garage if they could be saving someone’s life instead.

I have to disagree in this scenario. The Mustang is a piece of American history. If that was a photo of a brand new Lamborghini being saved most of us would say “why?". They burn themselves to the ground all the time anyway.

Have they checked the floormats to be sure they’re not getting wedged against the pedals?