
Does anyone really care about stuff like this? It’s not 1 of 1 because the original owner picked weird options buddy.

Umm... ahem... I guess I have to explain.  You see, when 5 trucks love each other very much...

You don’t travel that much do you?

HWY!  I’m a 330 driver, and am always courteous...I joke that I am single-handedly trying to change people’s opinions of BMW drivers...It’s a long uphill battle though.  haha

While he's correct about the properties of steel, he's incorrect about tire construction. Tires are steel belted, and built with nylon cord, unless the tire is specifically called an "all steel" which is mostly used for high load carrying tires (i.e. 14 ply all steel horse trailer tires). The belting in tires is what

Ah yes, the younger crowd, the ones who could just about afford a used C5. Yes, this will surely be a smashing sales success!

I find pedantry like this deeply satisfying.

The Truck Almost Hits The Train

You must’ve worked on this all the livelong days...

Hopefully she’s virus-free...

But how much tofu can one man eat before he resorts to...

I have lurked on Jalopnik for years. This is the first comment that has lured me in to account ownership. You are wrong.

Bought a laminated F50 poster and a SF Racing hat from a Ferrari store in Rome on a middle school trip back in like 2005. Still have em both.

I was in paris walking around and saw like 30 semis lined up and walked over. I could see a shot was being set up but wasnt surr what or who. Clearly Hollywood with the equipment but then out walks cruise. Watched him do this motorcycle chaise seen for and your, it was really awesome thing to witness. 

Is it possible to be neither pro nor con and just accept things for what they are or do we all have to pick a side for no reason

She had Mi-at-a lo.

Make it so she can’t say no. 

It looks like the Batmobile was raped by a cheese grater.

I hope not. His suggestions are almost as bat shit as Torch’s. Torch and David should be barred from even suggesting anything in this series. I like to see this taken seriously.

That is so fucked up.