
The kids these days. 

He needs a kick in his Haas.

He has a very punchable face. 

i’m in for $50

Eh. 15 years ago (wow, time flies), I found a $20 Bride seat at an UpGarage in Tokyo and then dragged it on the subway at rush hour from the store to Tokyo Station, then on the JR Yokosuka Line line to Kamakura and then walked it through a temple and a cemetery as a shortcut.  I got a lot of dirty looks, but you gotta

I spotted this ‘67 Heritage edition driving around a few weeks ago. 

Fuck Goodyear.

He wasn’t asking if you have an editor, he was asking if Jesus has an editor.

Okay, I sort of love this thing.


Fast and Furious Edition.

You can get a 12 year old sienna or odyssey for ~$5k, and you can even sleep in it! it’s the perfect adventure mobile:

It’s kind of beyond me how videos of that poor quality are still shot today.

Came here for the World Cup jokes.

Two German sailors aboard the Sachsen were reportedly stunned by the incident but recovered”

TBH, that looks worse. 

to the one that paid a mil for them,  its like pocket change to us.

You cant tell me how to live my life!

I fixed it. Just for you!

I know, man, I say that right in the article.