Obviously. It's called a joke.
Obviously. It's called a joke.
You only had to post that once. Dipshit.
Who does this?! Just wait your turn. It’s one thing to take care of something within your control, like exercising some patience, making your table easier to bus, or stepping behind the bar and pour yourself a shot and a beer.
Ah, yes. Judging a show that ran for 130+ episodes on a few minutes seems like valid criticism.
She shouldn't. That bit was a brilliant skewering of some shameless shit in broadcast history. I thought that was pretty obvious.
30 Rock had “glaring faults”? There are probably a few nits you can pick here and there, but I recently re-watched a few early seasons, and it’s still one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen.
The framers would never have considered a fetus a person, but these days I guess you only look to the framers when it suits your mood. So who the fuck knows?!
I love the show.
Very much a "Nigel Tufnel" character, from what I can tell.
Even more should watch it. It’s really good.
I mean, they paid for it. Don't know why that part would change...
Are they building more? Because they should be building more.
This seems like less of an “airline” thing, and more of a “why does this feature exist?” thing.
Again, your interpretation. Get off the internet for a while and meet some people. You’ll be surprised at how few of them actually see it that way.
Which would that be, the party hats or the “I like the cops too much” shirt?
So you can only fuck someone who is as famous as you? Give me a break...
Wait, that’s it? A blue lives matter shirt and some custom parody birthday hats? People need hobbies, man. Join a softball league or something...
What, that he’s a tough, man-of-the-people, workin’-class, truck-drivin’ man’s man? Like any other cowboy, construction worker, biker, cop, or Indian chief?
Talk about damning with faint praise...
I don't either, but I've learned that criticizing other people's tastes is a fool's errand.