
I play exclusively as little girls.

Is...is that top picture Dan Harmon?

The justice system where cops can kill without repercussion is indeed wrong. Even if no system is worse what we currently have is indeed wrong. And that’s what happens when you create a group of people and grant them power over others, you get a corrupt police force.

Fuck off.

But does have the dumb defined toes? Because that’s the real deal breaker.

American is just obsessed with fucking kids.

Fuuuuuuuuck sniper mains.

Pro tip: Always hit every single chest before opening them. There is no punishment for doing this.

They are an LA team, the birthplaces of reality tv.

B-but they’re just creating more filthy, brown anchor babies!!

I’m a fortnite skin hater. Whenever I kill someone with a skin I teabag them because I’m tired of kids thinking they’re better playes because they spent some of their parent’s money on a free game.

Holy shit, just eat a gun or remove the stick from your ass.

Meta-whining is the most obnoxious type whining.

I kinda feel like judging other’s emotional investments to things is kinda lame tho.

I don’t care for sports teams usually but Excelsior’s wins make me feel kind and proud.

Can’t help but feel like this is only happening because the child was the son of a white politician.

Go eat a gun you fucking puke

I hear the brits have a compulsion to say Guvna every 40 meters.

It’s ok, Drake gave him permission.