
So he was trying to keep his dignity by pulling up his pants and was shot? That’s shit police training right there.

I’d still like to know more of how the victim was shot. Presumably he was doing nothing wrong so I don’t understand why he ended up being shot.

Bring back grimorie entries. D2 has the lore of a plain piece of toast.

Jesus Christ can life please stop feeling like a fevered nightmare

Use the warframe app to check for rare alerts. Always do the Gifts of the Lotus because it usually gives you room in cells/reactors for doubling your mod slots.

Future Cop LAPD

I really enjoy the relationship between cloud and zack because I have made up memories from my childhood that never happened but influence me nonetheless.

But will he?

How do you define “gamers”?

The difference is an assassin is open about what his occupation truly entails. Law enforcement officers are dishonest with the public about what their job entails, which is shoot first ask questions later and abuse minorities.

Yet the shooter will receive no punishment.

The fact that you can weaponize law enforcement at all is telling.

Is this why gingers make my pickle wiggle?

I just don’t feel festive this year. It’s been a shitty year for feeling good unless you’re a Nazi.

This is the first xmas I’ll not play OoT all the way through because life sucks.

One SS for another...

They should just not use puns for names.

Aloy and Rost were the most groan worthy names I’ve run across in a long time. Excellently game but Jesus Christ with the names.

I scrolled past the header for this and I reflexively thought “is that spencer crittenden?”

It’s true, they never wanted to feel regret or remorse about anything