
A slight clarification on my part. I didn’t mean that he was incompetent, he was an excellent soldier, but he wasn’t unique in that sense. As I mentioned, even as good as he was as a marksman and a fighter, there’s an argument to be made that Harcourt and Vigilante were better.

Related to that two sidenotes. First, while I realize it will never happen, I so desperately want to see a fight with this Peacemaker and Batman. While the fight itself would be short, brutal and utterly one-sided, just imagining the amount of trash talk from Peacemaker before it starts and him having to deal with the

Something I found a fascinating choice in the show was that at no point Peacemaker special. Don’t get me wrong, he was an elite fighter, but there were two similar ones in Harcourt and Vigilante in the same group. Of which to be frank, I would pick either as a more dangerous physical threat over Chris. All his

Even if the show hadn’t been as magnificent as it was, that ‘Fuck you, Barry’ would have by itself made it all worth. Especially with how the Flash cracks up after that and Arthur almost laughs himself. Gunn managed to make even that moment sweet. Also I do find it both hilarious and fitting that when the call to the

I do find it somewhat adorable that even when Pattison is doing the press tour for one of the biggest movies of the year, he still can’t avoid being a weird dork. And I write that with pure love.

Just being reminded of 3:10 makes me grin like crazy so thanks for that.

I don’t know about this being about Rodgers’s interview comments, from what I’ve seen Woodley is pretty much into the holistic lifestyle as well.

There is an interesting comparison that while Assassin Creed Valhalla came out a month before Cyberpunk 2077 and now the third large DLC for that game will be released in a month. That’s not a praise for Valhalla, I have my own bit of an issue with certain aspects of those DLCs, but just an idea of how the releases

In my comment, my first sentence is literally about how it was executed. And then my last sentence, again literally, starts with me pointing out that I didn’t mind the tragic end of it all and specifically pointed out how it was all dismissed in one sentence. For you to probably go back and re-read my comment and

Got to be honest, this is one of the more hilarious ‘Completely missing the point’ responses I’ve gotten in a long while.

Not that I’m expecting the movie to succeed, video game adaptions being notoriously difficult, but for Bioshock is conceptually the most direct to translate to film. If you remove certain sections of the game, it doesn’t really affect the central plot and that has enough strong elements that can be told within a film.

For some reason, this made me think back when crowd sourcing was becoming a thing and there was a bunch of projects which thought that WB would be totally cool with them monetizing their Batman related fan projects.

Having written all that, I kind of hate that the show did manage to pull off one joke that is still making me chuckle. Which would be the ‘I know where you live’ sequence.

This is such a weird show. I mean I’m glad that it is getting a second season as it means people are working and I’ll stick around for the first season. It’s just that it seems to kind of go for these emotionally fulfilling moments, but they never stick for many reasons, least of all that they are rushing for them

For me, it wasn’t just that, but how weirdly it was executed. Like normally I don’t mind not being constantly reminded of big decisions as long as they feel like they impacted the world. That happened, someone is alive and I know that even if I never run across that person in the game again.

To be honest, the Nomadic ending is so clearly the best of them just with how the characters end up that it is legit baffling. Not a complaint about that particular ending, it is just that thematically the endings were oddly unbalanced.

Based on everything I’ve seen and read of the Uncharted movie, it’s weird in the same sense as Tomb Raider was in that despite being a movie based on the video game, it doesn’t feel like it wants to be if that makes sense. Like they will have visual scenes that are clearly taken from the games, but none of the

It’s been a real bummer for me to read in reviews how bad the Chaos Realm part of the game is and how it ruins the campaign. Based on the promotional material, this was a source of excitement for me as even though I knew what kinds of games CA makes, this seemed to have a heavier story-focus in the campaign and

From what I understand, the tutorial is really hand-holding and apparently goes through all the basics. It’s been acknowledged issue with the previous games.

So I’ll be honest, this post made me somewhat angry, but probably not for the reasons the writer intended. Although considering this Jezebel, I’m assuming getting any reaction is the primary goal, so who knows.