
In addition to this, further complicating issues is that the reason CAS became the deciding factor is that RUSADA lifted its own initial suspension at which point the issue became who gets to decide. I’d also bring up that what makes it even a more uncomfortable for me is that there is no reason why it took so long

I am not ashamed to admit that I did laugh when it was revealed who Seth’s bride was. Just the way he sold the happiness of it all got to me.

After seeing some of the reviews, I made the decision I wouldn’t go and watch film myself as I hadn’t been that passionate about it to begin with. So out of curiosity I read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia and pretty much went ‘Huh?’ at the end of it. Not positively, not negatively, just really puzzled by some of the

But the issue with even the original comparison is that while that is true for the larger Star Wars universe, does that then mean that Empire Strikes Back wasn’t as good because it addressed some of the questions raised by New Hope?

For me, this was an odd review. Before anything else, though, I do want to stress that I’m not questioning that the opinions in it are somehow wrong as reviews are personal thoughts on a product, but just that the way some of the criticism is presented here is more confounding to me than helpful.

I think what makes it an even weirder criticism for this game is that it was clear in Horizon Zero Dawn that they were looking at as a game series and instead of cramming all those answers instantly there, they were building those hints with the sense that the answers would be coming. There’s a lot of stuff in HZD

I’m completely the same with you. I loved HZD so much that I’m also torn about should I wait or finally invest in that console platform.

We all have our stupid pet peeves we are passionate about, didn’t even realize this one of mine.

Oh no, I didn’t mean that movies need to do an Avengers thing, rather that will they come succeed what they are trying to do as individual movies. Hence will they come together to be entertaining.

Really? Oh man, that really explains why they made the decision to not have their animated features so heavily feature Batman. Or have him be central in almost all DCU promotional material, there really isn’t any money left in the character. Really good to learn this as me as a dumb person thought that he was one of

All the footage looked good, although it is really hard to actually say how the movies will come together. Still really excited to see how things unfold and hopeful for the films, although the Black Adam clips made me a bit nervous as I was hoping that they would keep the more villaneous bent of the character.

While it was clearly, and understandably, spliced together, the shot where Vigilante jumps on the Dragon’s back was just glorious. There was just something magnificently dynamic about it while really managing to make it a logical out-of-nowhere feeling of the action. I’m also curious will the show ever address that

I also had no idea how that armor worker as they kept reacting when something hit the armor like it hurt?

Well, sprained his ankle for a moment. Later on he’s running completely fine until he is shot a bunch times and needs the two gang members to help him... Before again moving normally in the very next scene.

This feels like a really smart idea, especially since there is so much happening with Basim that it could easily support its own game.

Good to see there are appropriate consquences for actions here. Too long have things been allowed to go lax.

I have to admit that to me the epicness of that shootout was undercut by how every choice made by the protagonist was pretty much the dumbest possible.

Might very well be, but it doesn’t change the fact that they shot the confrontation in this episode and thought through the editing process that this was the best way forward.

Having written all that, I will say Boba Fett magicing that stick into existance in that final fight was probably my comedic highlight of the year so far. I am not exaggarating when I write that when he pulled that man-height staff out of nowhere, I had to pause the stream because I was just laughing so hysterically.

While watching this episode, I kept thinking how I couldn’t explain this show to anyone. I could easily tell them what happened on the show, especially since not that much that did, but I don’t even know where I would start on what the show was about. What was the central story arc, what was the character journey,