
Oh I completely agree and my argument that Snyder Cut somehow instantly destroyed his career.

...I mean you also described a lot of elements of Whedon’s Avengers?

It got even better after that because then there had been someone else that told him that apparently he had also said something about tying Gadot to the railroad tracks. But he didn’t remember it, just that someone said so. Like seriously, what the hell was that answer?

After a few months I restarted Wrath of the Righteous again. The first restart was due to a bug late at the end of the third chapter and then I got to the Abyss section. However at that point I had just gotten numbed on what a trudge each fight in the game was and how much it was ultimately about luck. There was

On your general argument about the gift given to Snyder and the narrative built around, there’s literally no reporting I’ve seen that would support that. Actually it was Whedon and co who did the reshoots, Snyder only shot the epilogue scene during the final process and based on everything written, it was as close to

Slight correction, and I think this is where the article itself failed a bit, Whedon wasn’t MeToo’d. That wasn’t at all what sank his career and really the only reason he was so vulnerable to the allegations was because his career was at that point dependent on a certain perception of him as a person that the

Thinking back, something I realized made the article have such a weird tone is that Whedon’s answers were constantly so absurd that the writer herself didn’t really know what to do with them. There have been interviews like that published before and there is an approach to them where you try to create a neutral space

Vigilante is such a blast to watch, although now I’m shocked that there would be someone claiming he isn’t an absolute psychopath. The actor, though, does such a great job with him as there is that inept air to him which is this great mask of what an absolute terror the dude truly is.

What was even more ridiculous that there was actually a company that had tried to do the same thing in the 90s, gotten a lot of money, not breaking the industry as promised and then after changing names settled in to the office leasing business with a good profit margin.

I’m still to hung up on my issues to Darrah to actually watch his video, but it would be really interesting to hear his thoughts on Dragon Age 2 from the perspective of this subject.

A sidenote related to my ponderings about how dumb the show is.

This continues to be such a weird show to me as I do like it, yet every episode I’m kind of taken back by the incredible dumb narrative choices it makes.

As an emotional mess, there are multiple games that came to my mind in answer to this, but there was clearly one above the rest even though I realize there will be scoffing at it.

As an emotional mess, there are multiple games that came to my mind in answer to this, but there was clearly one

Jesus Christ, Horton is 22? Fun fact, there is another artist called Heather Horton who is 47 and who comes up first when you google the name. When I out of curiosity did that, I thought that at least Whedon is now dating someone his own age. Should have known better.

The mixed reception on The Nevers makes things difficult to gauge on that front even if they had kept Whedon. By the way, for the sake transparency, I though The Nevers was a hilariously inept show when it came to basic narrative structures, so my following comment should be read with that in mind.

As is clear from the comments here, that interview is genuinely worth reading as Jesus Christ. And despite groaning seeing the nicest showrunners quote in this write up, it is even more staggering in the actual article. Like it happened during a phone interview long after the initial interviews, which means Whedon did

Not just that, but then the Snyder Cut happened where we actually saw what were the changes Whedon made. Like regardless of how one feels about Snyder’s version as a film, just the visual difference in how Snyder and Whedon showcased Diana was kind of staggering.

Even with his elaboration that it was because of his ‘mental trauma’ which was questionable for several reasons, this part made me go and scream in a pillow. What makes it worse is that I could kind of get it if that was a self-justifying quote from when that happened, but the wording in which he speaks about it now

Somehow that Gal Gadot part was especially galling as even before that she had done a lot of international press and acted in several English speaking movies. So to pull the ‘She just doesn’t understand English that well’ card was such an absolutely baffling move to make.

Yeah, that was such a weird take that I’m still reeling just from having read it.