
I largely agree with this and do think that some of the current narratives are from parties who did not read that much into what Holmes did. Actually not only that, but the lengths she went to in order for the real facts about the product becoming public.

Talia wasn’t a Psy cop, just a telepath, but yeah that one. The reason it is currently one of my weird fascinations with B5 is that I felt that for a long time, and hopefully I am corrected on this if I’m wrong, there was this credit and respect given for the show for planning to do a queer storyline before it was

Completely forgot about that Mirror Universe episode, good point. Also somehow completely oblivious that Berman fired Farrell as I had always thought it was her choice to leave the show due to some financial disagreements. Although I guess now that I wrote it out that is pretty close to firing someone.

For some reason, that whole episode is for me one of the funniest memories of the show. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that it needs be viewed from the perspective of the era when it came out and there is something to be admired about its transparent message.

It’s kind of funny, and the following is purely a personal opinion, but I feel that the cultural impact of DS9 somehow ended up being larger. Just I keep coming across praise for it much more than I do for B5, which is of course a very anecdotal observation and DS9 has the benefit of that Star Trek association.

Deep Space Nine still stands out to me as one of my favorite series experiences to this day. Just the story and the nuance as it hit that second half stride is breathtaking. I almost wrote a massive spoiler as an example, the reason why the Federation was able to win that last battle with the Dominion, but stopped

For me, the bigger aspect of its the communication of that need and what it exemplifies. If you are able to discuss and come to an arrangement with bedrooms, it probably means you are able to come to an agreement on many others things.

Man, I had completely forgotten what a passive aggressive masterpiece that Vin Diesel Instagram post was.

Personally I don’t think it’s that simple. I find myself being reminded of a study I read years ago that couples sleeping in different beds had smaller divorce rates. Now similarly to the house thing, I don’t actually think that that is some golden truth to maintaining a healthy relationship, but rather that they are

Oh, it was definitely helped by the stunt double, but from what I’ve seen Ming-Na does still have that level of mobility to help pulling stuff like that off.

But that’s not true? The whole point of the Bad Batch is how unique Omega is as a clone as she is the only one like Boba.

True and it is causing me hesitation on the matter. Yet at the same time, Boba and Omega are so fundamentally linked by their origin that it would feel weird to introduce her in to the universe and not have her appear on a Boba Fett show.

To be honest, while I think it is a component, I don’t think that was the big reason. It doesn’t seem like Temuera Morrison has that mobility anymore, which is understandable as he is 61 years old, which made the choreography really awkward any time his face needed to be on screen.

As a kind of a sidenote, I am curious if and how the show is going to introduce Omega at some point. It pretty much has to, right?

The visual presentation of this episode was stunning, which made even more sense when I saw that it was directed by Rodriguez in the end credits. It also partially explained why the fight scenes in general didn’t have that flow as while Rodriguez is an incredible director, that kind of action has never been his strong

I have no idea how this is a response to my question. So first of all, if you’d read the rest of my responses, I pointed out that there are actually fair skinned, haired and/or eyed among the Two Rivers people. So that makes the uniqueness of the casting in itself meaningless. Additionally, they went against the book

What makes this so hilarious is how aggressively the makers of Tiger King prevented anyone under contract with them to even appear in other interviews. Yet apparently didn’t stop think about other contractual copyrights.

To be honest, as much as I’m not that big of a fan of the game, I don’t know how strong of an expectation that should have been from the start as the game you describing is basically impossible to implement on a large scale. Don’t get me wrong, CDPR was promising that, but if you play these games, I do think there is

Yeah, that ending was something. Still can’t quite understand the logic of the final choice, which I won’t go into here for the sake spoilers. What was also frustrating was that the game teased some really intriguing plot points before that final stretch which were... Then just completely ignored.

Unlike those who loved the game and thus represent an honest, completely objective viewpoint on the quality of it. They speak not of opinions, but of simple truths that those complaining pests are trying to undermine.