
I’m deeply confused by this comparison as there was no fine levied on Osaka for withdrawing from the tournament. In addition there have been multiple players who have withdrawn from these tournaments over the years, often due to injuries, without criticism from the heads of the organizations. The criticism and the

That was such a blast of a pilot episode and really was a tour de force by Hiddleston.

I know they are friends in real life, but man it feels weird to have Jack Black be the final guest.

I hate myself that this was also my first reaction.

Something I adore about Awkward Zombie is that they manage to hit on the absurdities of those games so well, but it always feels lke it is in a loving manner.

I’m a little bit confused as I didn’t criticize Omega as a character at all?

It continues amuse me how bad that Batch is at anything requiring subtlety. Also if they are insisting on bringing Omega with them on missions, can’t they give her something resembling armor?

This feels like a pretty big blow, to be honest. Netflix sure as hell wouldn’t have put all that money in it if they didn’t see this as that new big franchise for them and this was the work Millar himself probably most hyped as he did present as his true epic. So it to fizzle out like that had to be a striking moment.

The sheer insanity of that quote staggered me. Even without having read the initial statement from Hannah-Jones, it’s still pretty clear that the context of it is that people will try to dismiss the project by claiming these things.

Fair point, I rather meant it more that it wasn’t the term and expectation that it is now.

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

While the last question is good, I think an issue is who determines that value and is the value the regardless of the context. To put it like this, let’s say they play the final match of French Open where both players refuse to do interviews. So after playing the culmination of the tournament, they just take their

Yes, because it can only be of one thing.

Which is a fair point and she did pay the initial fines. Although in that situation it is also logical that there would be an escalation in the punishments over multiple violations of the contract, especially since in this case there is a clear understanding that taking the fine in this manner goes against the spirit

Of course Osaka’s background is a huge component of her prominence. Do you is just because of chance that she is a bigger start in the frame that Simone Halep, current number three in rankings, ever was? You can argue it shouldn’t in the ideal world, but unfortunatenly it does.

This is one of those situations where I don’t quite know how I feel about it. I mean her leaving the tournament and the sport for a while to focus on her mental health if she feels that is what she needs is a completely right decision and I hope that she gets in to a place where she is able to get better.

The Awkward Zombie Control comics are not only really funny while capturing the absurdity of the game, which I liked by the way, but they become inherently more hilarious when you know how Jessie became the Director.

I agree with you on the writing for Liara and it does avoid the Wrex/Tali stumbling, which is seriously so random. My issue with her rather that her character is one of the weakest in the squad in ME1. She’s this alien that’s over a 100 years old, but is still considered barely an adult in her culture despite having

Can’t think of another series like it.

I guess then you would be even more shocked by the revelation that to me Mass Effect 3 is by far the best game in the trilogy in both mechanics and story. Just the way personal opinions work.