
I don’t know how one coudl answer this question. Legendary Edition was an update of the previous games, but they were pretty clear they weren’t redoing the base code, so there’s that. But I mean what would you be trying to do with the mods? From what I’ve seen on the Nexus Mods lists, it’s pretty the stuff as

It’s really interesting to me as by every metric MShep was chosen more as a player character in the game, but I’d argue that FemShep ended up having a more lasting legacy.

Yeah, ME1 is one of those games where it is nearly impossible to explain how great and how huge of an impact it had on gaming afterwards.

This is one of those situations where even as someone who absolutely loves Joker, I don’t really know what that sequel would be about as I thought the first film ended in such a beautiful place. Doesn’t mean in anyway that the film couldn’t be good, like what the hell do I know, but rather that it makes it difficult

Seriously, I was shocked how casually I just got all the Keepers.

As a sidenote, something that is amusingly standing out to me is how clumsy the BioWare approach to companion dialogue was at this point and how much it improved over the games. It’s just they make the companion general dialogue context free, there’s this weird sense of just getting insane info dumps on the

To me, as someone who has played ME1 through countless times, it’s kind of funny to play the Legendary as I’m so familiar with the game that even thought it’s probably five years or so since I last played it, I still constantly notice the graphical and technical improvements in the game. And, for me, it is just this

I did enjoy the episode a lot, even if I thought it was a weird choice to tie the rancor to Jabba the Hut considering what happens to the rancor in that movie. Even if it is a different rancor, it’s just such an odd choice to make as it is an instinctual connection there.

Looking at the headshots because the different families looked like they could be related to each other. It’s something I’ve realized I appreciate more and more as that sense of visual resemblence does add to familial scenes.

I don’t know if I want them to kill themselves at the end.

I don’t think I made any comment referencing the quality of work. But I am glad that you are so confident in your opinion of Snyder that even one semi-positive comment about his general persona isn’t something you feel bothered by.

It took me far too long to realize that the Assassin’s Creed comparison was to the movie, not the game series. Thus, when I first read the title, I was just weirded out by the random put-down of the game series.

This trailer actually left me intrigued by the concept as now I get more of the general tone and why this time period for this story. Before it just felt so random that we were getting a Byrne 80s aerobic show.

Regardless of how one feels Snyder’s work, based on everything I’ve read he seems like an incredibly chill and likable guy to work with. He has tropes, but he seems to make his sets pretty fun.

And the added completely unnecessary glint at the tip of the knife as it sails through the air... in slo-mo.

Rewatching it what makes it so funny, that line being a great example of it, is that in those talking head segments Snyder is saying absolutely insane stuff, but the presentation feels like this could be a real press tour interview. He’s not stopping to wink at the camera during it, which adds so much.

That far exceeded any expectations I had and I laughed pretty much constantly through that. While it was constantly good-natured, I still adored how hard they went at Snyder’s tropes in his movies and how well he rolled with it.

It’s a small part of the whole insanity of it, but I do admire the way that for Samsel the thing about that student with two mothers committing suicide is how awful Samsel will feel about it afterwards.

I honestly thought about the same comparison as this was breaking out. It’s this weird, and to be honest, alarming tendency to see the picture and just commit to believing what you see despite actually looking at the footage makes it pretty clear that’s not what happened.

That’s what makes this so baffling. The current situation is essentially based on the still image from the video where the singer is leaning over, but if you actually watch the damn video it’s pretty clear that he’s not snorting anything. Yet it is such a newsitem that him denying it is at the time of writing on the