
It reflects how stupid the whole situation is that I can’t even tell if this is a joke or not.

So a question regarding that video to people more in the know, I’ve always been under the impression that you need to use your hands to snort coke instead of holding them up in the air away from the surface. And also that your nose should be at an angle which allows snorting it.

As stupid and awful to the band as the situation is, and EBU being cowards considering the lack of actual evidence, there is almost something inherently funny about circumstances. So after winning the Eurovision with a very rare rock song about embracing your uniqueness, with the betting favorite story being a bit

The best part about that performance is that the Finnish group that came after it were forbidden to show their middle fingers in their performance. Which made watching that hand costume dance around with it’s middle finger in the air hilarious.

Now playing

This is legitimately such an idiotic ‘controversy’ that is breaks the mind. Not because of the alleged drug use, but because of the damn evidence of it is beyond flimsy. If you are interested, below is the footage at the heart of it and it says something that majority of YouTube comments are pointing out that this is

By the way, a dumb question that doesn’t matter, just ended up perplexing me on the Pride sketch, which was hilarious by the way. Does Taylor-Joy identify as queer? As it doesn’t really matter, it is just that previously when they’ve done those sketches, they’ve done them with queer performers as they did otherwise

That was just such a heartwarming ride of an episode that was probably one of the strongest season ending episodes I’ve seen. Taylor-Joy was great, but there was also a sense of hitting the beats that the show has been struggling with at times this season, even if I generally enjoyed this season more than the

Yeah, Nikkie’s tall, my height actually, but I couldn’t comprehend with that in mind they put her on the stage with the Spanish performer who was shorter than average. I repeat myself, but somebody in production had to be majorly pissed off at the Spanish performer as that had to go through so many stages where

Apologies on the very late answer. The semi-final performances are randomly drawn, so just by pure chance. However, I can’t recall situation before where the nights were as lopsided as they were here.

As a sidenote, the difference in quality between the first and second semifinals was kind of wild. It was like the highs and the lows with the first night reminding how fun the competition is and the second how dull it can be. Still, felt really bad for those who didn’t get through during the first night as I think

Out of the most ‘favored’ contenders, I’m really looking forward to seeing Italy’s stageshow as I’m actually digging the song and would love to see that kind of music winning Eurovision. Not even write again as Lordi thing was different enough. Out of the rivals for the top, the Malta song was just weirdly generic for

This isn’t a necessary a complaint, but something I am struggling with are the really drastic shifts in tone. In this episode, similarly to last week, a lot of the episode feels that while it is a dark world, there is this sense of family-friendliness in it and then they just suddenly have these moments of brutal

Just as a general comment on the show, what they have done with Ian and Poppy is magnificent. It would have been so easy to remain simple with them and make especially Poppy this generic do-gooder, but instead by they both are these deeply flawed people where you can see why they would function best together.

I’m not exactly certain what you disagreeing with me about here. I wasn’t arguing against casting Swinton into the role, but that if they make that decision, then chance the environment to match the new casting. Hence changing it from Tibet to Ireland.

What I always struggled with the casting decision was to still have the Ancient One still be in Tibet once they cast Swinton to the role. It would have been such an easy choice to just shift the location to Ireland and base it more on Celtic mysticisim or something like that.

Oh Jesus Christ I hate these kinds of responses.

I would actually claim that those issues with responsibility were there already in Season 2 and 3, but it is rather that they slowly amassed and became such a part of the actual show that by Season 4 it became more difficult to ignore them. Those examples are true, but at the same time the show had shrugged horrendous

While I think there is more to the Legends side of the argument, I think that is very well capturing the problem with Barry.

I would claim that is a little bit of a different argument. My point isn’t that should the Legends be forgiven for their mistakes, but rather that the show itself never holds any accountable. Actually quite the opposite and more than once tried to present their incredibly selfish actions as somehow noble or admirable.

I’ll be honest, I don’t know if Legends is a good example because they are actually pretty similar to Flash in this regard. Yes, it leans on the main characters making bad decisions, but it never really holds them responsible for the consequences or has them truly change as a result of those choices. It became so