
With this episode I realized what my biggest current issue with the Berlanti-verse is as I would be able to be more invested in all of this if I felt there was a strong end for the character arc in sight. Yet instead they dragged these shows out for so many seasons that for me there is this sense that ultimately this

There’s discomfort when looking back even relatively recent, like five years ago, of portrayals of certain behaviour in main stream entertainment. If you look at majority of comedies from that period, be it film or TV, you can kind of see two tropes being relatively common. First, if there was a model there, her role

I don’t think it’s the latter one, but there has to be something. But the way this frames the central challenge of the main character is insane, especially because the dude seems fine in their brief interaction.

I kind of feel guilty about it, but that Maggie teaser baffled me. Just the hook on it is weird as it a gorgeous psychic panicking because she saw a vision of being married to a gorgeous guy?

To expand on that second criticism, as I already go the soldier defense, I think a reason this was so stupid for me is fundamentally connected to how bad the show is at filming action.

I think the latter point, which I agree to a degree, is a fair one in this show, but rather because of who they chose as those primary protagonists. If you have mentor character or that veteran guiding an inexperienced hero, it’s common to have a mysterious background. Here it’s odd because not only does Amalia, our

First, I didn’t mean the shrug in that episode, I meant how that the show had shrugged off in the previous episodes something that ended up being a pretty big scene.

While I did get a chuckle with Whendon deciding to cram a dystopian destroyed future in to another one of his shows, the opaqueness of the dialogue felt a lot considering how massively overstuffed the show is to begin with. Still, Black was excellent in the future part, managing to really elevate a very tropey part,

I don’t think it’s Massen as we saw in the flashback in the first episode that he wasn’t affected by spores, his daughter was. So it could be the daughter, although that might also be the woman who says that Amalia needs to forget all of this.

I’m genuinely baffled how this manages to be one of the most baffling newsitems I’ve read this week, considering all I’ve read.

That execution of the prisoners felt geuinely horrific, partially because of how unexpectedly dark it took things. Don’t get me wrong, I get that is the style and this was in no way a complaint, rather admiration how well it set up those stakes and reminded that this isn’t a fun and games show.

Oh Jesus Christ, why? One of the few things that gave me comfort finishing the game was that I would never be asked to stack group of rocks again by a game.

Really sad to read that they stepped away from the story mysteries as not only were they great, they were so effective in fleshing out the world. There’s still a couple that really echo for me like the little girl who wants to build a cairn so that her dead parents will know she can take care of herself.

That was honestly one of most brutal review headline I’ve seen in a while to the degree that it made me laugh out loud when I read it.

Which would be great, especially if they incorporated the dialogue/character choice system from Valhalla. Could be legitimately something pretty awesome.

Also one of those who is shocked that this game is still being made.

I didn’t even want to start on that plan as it was baffling. There’s no way that plan wouldn’t have resulted in deaths, most likely involving Touched, the police and bystanders. So not only would the end result in tehe Orphanage essentially becoming public enemy number one, it would have had a bigger death toll than

It is really weird as there have been more successful Survivor competitors after him, but still Boston Rob is among the first names that comes to my mind when thinking of great Survivor contestants. Hell, there’s an argument to be made that he won two, not to take anything away from Amber, but rather that was such a

The way everyone just knew of Galanthie and was using the name casually drove me nuts in this episode as I kept trying to remember did they establish that term in the message last episode. The pacing of this show is crazy as if they knew they had this many episodes, which had to be aware of when production started,

What made the execution debate so much more absurd was that it wasn’t that England brought back the death penalty for Maladie, but that they made the hanging public. Hence Penance’s sudden decision to save Maladie based on that decision didn’t connect as apparently she would have been fine if it was a private