
The more I think about the Effie reveal, the more insane it feels.

On a positive note, I’m genuinely shocked how much Mundi has won me over and at this point he has become my favorite character on the show. He just feels nuanced, his character motivations are understandable and his actually really fun to follow around.

As a sidenote, I loathed Penance in this episode. Before this I just found a little bit annoying, but now I’m fully hating her. Not because of her stance on death penalty, I’m opposed to it personally, but because of just how stupid the whole presentation of the argument was. Also what the hell was that kitten joke?

I was a little bit surprised when I saw that Whedon had both directed and written this episode. Not because of any quality issues, but rather I had assumed he had left the project at this point.

While I in general liked the concept of it all being a part of Maladie’s large plan to cause chaos, I completely agree with the review in that the show really assumed audience investments that it really hadn’t earned. This felt like it would have been a much more if it had been episode 10 or 12 with Effie being a much

What bothered me the most of the Cassini scene was that it was presented as this meaningful moment, but they hadn’t really established if the lobotomy thing removed their powers or not. It is another aspect of how overstuffed this show is as they keep having these big moments that rarely feel such due to the lack of

This was a really weird episode for me as while I didn’t think it was a good one by any stretch, I did feel it was one of the more impressive ones I’ve seen in a while. The limitation of Musk as a host were very evident, but the show itself managed to provide a framework in the sketches to work with it the best they

Something I hope that the show focuses more in future episodes is the relationship between different members of the squad and Omega. This isn’t complaint, as it is just the second episode, but there was this slight awkwardness as Hunter was making those decisions about her fate with no real interaction with the

Don’t necessarily take just my word for it, give the first run a chance, that’s just my opinion.

Haven’t started watching it yet, although will probably suffer through it, but I am really bummed out by the reviews. Not because I was somehow convinced it was good, but because as much as I dislike the original comic book series by Millar and think showcases a lot of his worst tendencies as a writer, I still thought

This is one of those newsitems that I probably would have been personally more excited about six or eight years ago, but now kind of makes me wince. It’s just Moore has certain tropes he leans on a lot in his work that have become more evident to me over the years and which I feel a bit squimish about. Something not

I agree with the True/Massen scene, but to me it was actually more evidence of how good job they’ve done with Massey as I felt he did the heavy lifting in that scene. Although I’m still really confused that did he admit to arranging Mary’s shooting or not?

No gloves, I even double-checked it as I was so baffled by it. Hell, they even take close-ups how Lucy is touching things with her bare hands. And, by the way, I was also completely lost at the elephant brooch. I initially thought it was a memento of her son or something, but then it became about Penance? It was

Thinking on this review, I think for me the reason why Massey works on the show is that while he is without a question a bad man, he is also one of the few characters that actually feels layered and has comprehensible motives. Thus while he does bad things, at least I get him, which causes me to almost root for him

As a sidenote, I was really confused by the fight between Lucy and True, to the degree that I need to check that did I miss something. So Lucy breaks everything she touches, which was seen at the start of it and was a threat before True swept her to the ground. Howeer, then True decides to mount Lucy, which was really

This show continues to be such a mixed bag for me. Every scene that didn’t feature the two main leads, to me, worked and even managed to have the characters feel engaging. There were even moments that felt genuinely clever like the Myrtle translation scene which was pretty good problem solving. Hell, even the way

I’m just curious how they will do the One Punch scene considering the rights constraints.

I have to be honest, I’m not necessarily that excited by the description of the show as this feels kind of an odd approach. Like I really like the sense of scale, but to have multiple times is going to be a hassle and I can’t think of a lot of shows that have pulled it off. Even the ones that did used flashbacks, not

This kind of hits what I personally find so infuriating about the Cyberpunk 2077 release.

I’d also add that that particular FemShep option came in Mass Effect 3, although now retroactively applying to prior games. But even with that in mind, while that is the marketing appearance, ME3 doesn’t actually force you to play a white woman and beyond that canon!Shep is actually a man. So while it would have been