Perhaps we are both special cases, cause all I’ve been seeing about the Witcher 3 are articles about people bitching that the game doesn’t look like a livid dream...
Perhaps we are both special cases, cause all I’ve been seeing about the Witcher 3 are articles about people bitching that the game doesn’t look like a livid dream...
Left 4 Dead 3 confirmed.
Sounds like a Wiitch hunt to me.
They weren’t consumers, they were employees who broke a Non Disclosure Agreement. It’s a contract with heavy legal consequences if broken.
I believe there are inherent strengths to both methods.
Because this ‘demo’ is better then pretty much every single horror game in the last generation? Before it was canceled it also had more hype on it then any game of the Silent Hill series ever had and seemed like a dream come true. Sadly its simply a nightmare now.
Like hell they can!
1. It wasn’t a demo. It was a teaser.
Just ignore it?
I had a similar(ish) experience in Kill Zone 2.
One of my favorites recently actually comes from Destiny. Over my time playing the game I met some pretty cool people from all over the world. Two particular guys were from Scotland and one one had alcohol in his system he would go crazy on the mic.
Halo 2 Team Slayer on Turf.
I'm still uncomfortable with seeing my favorite anime turned into a stage-play.
A potential difference would be the fact that the Titanic was an accidental occurrence with no real antagonistic entity behind it. We don't really have any games that accurately portray say, The Holocaust, because it wasn't an accident; it was essentially state actor terrorism. 9/11 might fall under that category.
you know what really divides the Dragon Ball fan base? the voice acting. alot of people swear by the Japanese voice acting when watching any anime. I watch alot of anime in Japanese but I absolutely can't stand the Japanese voice acting of the Dragon Ball series.
THAT. That is the most DWARVEN!! helm I have ever seen! In fact, you might even say it give him an edge in battle...... YEEEEAAAAAAAAaaaaaauuuuhhhhh!!!
"kill meeee"
??? Big difference is Shadow of Mordor is actually good. Destiny and Watch Dogs are not. You don't have to "wait for the sequel" to play a good game in this situation.
it is actually funny to see such polarized opinions. While most, if not all, people can agree Shadow of Mordor was one heck of a game, for me personally it was amazing BECAUSE it was LotR. Because of all the lore tidbits thrown in. Without it, had it been a fresh IP.. meh, it would have been fun ofcourse, but i…
I think they just have the physical horses and whatever those flying creatures are called. But yeah, you could go with the standard "summon horse to you" video game convention.
Another twist would be to do a GTA V style thing and have multiple ringwraiths moving through the word that you can swap between. Have you be…