
"Hello, I'm a hitchhiker. Not a prostitute, FYI."

The opening with the kids was great on its own, but that Ocean's Eleven-style plan layout to go clubbing was perfect, right down to an Asian contortionist popping out of nowhere. I fucking love how random this show is.

Those who'll be forcibly dragged by their significant others to see this cinematic cancer, I fucking salute you.

A small improvement, but there are still way too many characters the show tries to keep juggling with little to no success. Star continuing to be a stuck-up bitch and still getting her way doesn't exactly help.

Another safe, straightforward biopic with easy-to-root-for protagonists who ultimately succeed in the face of adversity? Yep, that's a one-way ticket to a C+ 'round these parts.

The first movie was such a fun guilty pleasure that had no right to be, and I'm so fucking glad the sequel's just as good. Anything to help keep Fifty Shades Dumber from making more money than it already fucking will.

Wow, didn't expect Aubrey Plaza to go that soon. But hey, even if she won't be a series regular, this was still a fantastic pilot. The great music choices, the trippy-ass visuals, the clever nods to A Clockwork Orange. Congrats, FX. Looks like you've got another winner on your hands.

Also this:
"There's nothing offensive about sucking cock. Half the population loves to suck cock. The other half of the population, they love getting their cock sucked. It's kind of a win-win."

"I was waiting for Cassie to mature. You know, much like an IRA. You put the money in, and you wait. And then you make a hefty withdrawal."

At least he'll always have his Ass Pounder.

Really? Another C+? This felt way more like classic Workaholics. Ders' shitty stand-up bumped it up at least to a B for me.

Pretty much all of them but "motherfucker" and "tits." Still quite an accomplishment.

"It is not what it looks like."
"Yeah, what it looks like is that you're fucking yourself with a dildo bike."

Needed more Pryce F-bombs, but hey, more dismemberment is never a bad thing, so I'll take it.

Holy shit, that twist at the end was fucking priceless. That, combined with Alba keeping Ben's inhaler from him and Mickey's inspirational mindfuck of a speech, easily made this my favorite episode so far.

How this bullshit-spewing manifestation of dumbfuckery hasn't been sent to the looney bin yet, I'll never know.

"I see you, Nick! And I love you!"

Finally, a post-Nolan Batman movie that's actually fun! This is how you do it, Snyder, you fucking hack.

Goddammit, why'd they have to kill the kangaroo? So much for that Australia-based spin-off I was hoping for.

Never thought I'd see the day this marvel of a series would return. If The A.V. Club doesn't review this, there's gonna be some fucking hell to pay.