Heroine Sheik

I’d like to think that when Trump is out, the floodgates will open and the funding and positions will come roaring back into now hollowed-out agencies. And that dedicated and talented people will happily pick their tools back up and go back to the work of protecting the environment. But that’s all about as likely as

Whereas if Ken Jeong was in you, you might not know.

It’s been a long time since I watched the movie. I think I was an undergrad. All us gothpunk kids thought and talked about it a lot. Our thoughts and projections don’t bear repeating.

I think about the question of “getting old” now and again. Sure, I have less patience for wankery than I used to, but I’m slowly starting to show signs of not having knives for hands.

I miss the days of David Lynch making stuff that was watchable. I gave up on his new stuff after sitting through Inland Empire.

You might be surprised to know that I sometimes think, “Well, if I can get Holly, a couple of time zones away, to chuckle, the day went pretty alright.”  

But if Ah don’t pay mah dues, Obama’ll grab mah guns!

Big Trouble in Little China, Brick, and, as someone else recommended, Ex Machina.  Also, Solo is a lot more fun than it got credit for.

Indeed.  If I want to have “a conversation,” I don’t leave a card.

All of this. Every time I think about it, I want to put my head through a bar.

He’s been doing a decent job of standing on anyone who’ll let him so far. If Mitch wasn’t a turtle, they’d both be in trouble.

I guess it’s harder to run the government like a criminal enterprise business than one would think.

The trick is to give the money to the NRA, which then gives it to the Republican party with the understanding that the majority of it will go to the Trump campaign.  It’s all very legal and very cool, I’m told.

Very nice.  But, considering your handle, I shouldn’t have been surprised.

Apologies.  Still can’t edit posts.  I meant “ralliesyssess.”

You should get back to getting high. Elections, as the Republicans love to say, have consequences. In this case, if you vote for a conman who lacks empathy or even a tiny amount of human decency, don’t expect him to save you from anything, even if it’s his job. Lots of people wanted a heartless asshole and a tax cut.

I really can’t over-recommend Down and Out in Paris and London to people who only read the back of one of those thirty copies of Animal Farm or 1984, leftovers from the Red Scare, that were, and presumably still are, in every school library.

Can you give me an example of something they said that was untrue that wasn’t corrected, mouthbreather? Or do you just repeat President Stinky Diaper’s baseless catchphrases?