
Starbucks coffee sucks anyway. Thank all the Fictional-Bearded-Beings-In-The-Sky for Timmy’s!

Sad but very true.

SNL became irrelevant decades ago. The Racist Clown’s appearance is just a vain attempt to stir up buzz.

We need to find the people responsible for this and subject them to justice Aussie style:

Rule 34 for cars...

Because its better than the alternative ?

Needs more Eagles & Guns.

Why is this vermin still breathing air? Human feces like Paden don’t deserve to live - and that’s an insult to feces.

Once again, the DMCA is being used as a sledgehammer to infringe the rights of legitimate users. The DMCA is a BAD law, and it needs to go away.

Obvious Troll is Obvious

“They really are gorgeous aircraft targets”

This fills me with pride. The F-15 is an elegant and deadly bird, and even though the F-22 is superior platform, the Eagle is an incredible plane.


This is by far and away the FUGLIEST car ever conceived of 6 null or built. This makes the Youruba Panther look good.

Not surprisingly, Chris “NotJeremyButWishesHeWas” Evans was recently seen in Argentina...

If you drive one of these things, you’ll be having way too much fun to care.

Disagree. Casino Royale is good, but my vote for best Bond movie goes to “Dr No”.

Too damn bad. If the ads were not so effing obnoxious, we wouldn’t NEED AdBlock. As for YouTube Red? Don’t care, not going to pay a penny for content I can get elsewhere for free.

Sadly that would make them to heavy to fly...

It’s impossible to destroy a Nokia phone.