
Speaking of New Zealand, I just put this on the stereo at top volume...

I presume you are referring to the controversial choice to not give this guy about an hour more screen time:

And he showed Ray Lewis a REAL knife

No wonder Hogan ran free, what with CB Schultz and SS Klink on the right side of secondary.

“Of all the Cleveland Browns in the world, you’re the Cleveland Browniest.”

How It’s Made

Laying on the ground.

In the mid-2000s I raised $2,300 for them and did the three-day walk. It was a wonderful, amazing experience. That was about the time they started suing anyone and everyone who used the phrase “for the cure”, including little bitty events that had been around for many years. Then they started to vilify Planned

Thank you Mister Bigbooty.

If he didn’t want to be tackled by her, he shouldn’t have been dressed like that

Title NEIN


Who the hell donates to the Trump Foundation? You have to know going in that it’s not a real charity.

Now playing

Well now you’ve gone and forced me to post the single greatest joke anyone has ever told:

Hearing his message makes me worried that the Jews are losing control of the media.

That reminds me of my dad and how he’d drive his IROC-Z onto the court where I was playing youth basketball and skid that thing real close to me while I was trying to shoot a free throw. If I missed, he’d flick a cigarette at me, peel out, and I wouldn’t see him for months. If I made the shot he’d nod at me

I was so excited for Night Manager and ultimately thought it was just okay. Great actors, shot beautifully, but I thought the story dragged. You’re right that it will likely be nominated for Emmys but merely as a placeholder in all eligible categories. It’s competing against People vs. OJ, Fargo, Roots, and American

A simple solution: Appoint an independent counsel to investigate the problems at Baylor. I nominate William Jefferson Clinton.

Bless my husband but he actually jumped, like he was startled when Jon Gasped back to life at the end of the show.