
Make it sad and have nobody to ride bikes with.

This movie also propelled Sean Astin to star in such films as “Courage UNder Fire” where he played a soda machine on an aircraft carrier.

Ok, fun’s over, time to for everyone to go back to their respected blogs and stop talking nonsense about a movie with one of the greatest shivers scene ever. Thanks for visiting.

That is because you are a low informed voter. You buy into tumblr and Twitter bullshit memes rather than actually reading about the candidates. Such armchair self-congratulatory LAZY outrage. HRC is a damn good liberal. A feminist history shattering Democrat for POTUS. If you fucking think she us evil or anything like

Totally real, just several years old. It was all over the news when it happened though.

Which reminds me of the Governator’s letter vetoing a finance bill:

Couldn’t they find a female cop to do the interview? Jeez, this guy is as creepy as KJ. No wonder women are reluctant to ever report stuff like this.

Honestly, they couldn’t get a female officer to do this? I guess he handled it fine, but just seems like a strange dynamic for this kind of thing. No wonder it goes unreported so often.

Har-har! Linda Tripp complaining about someone lacking “integrity”. I assume she keeps all the mirrors in her house covered.

The suggestion that Hillary was actually running the White House in the 90s is the first thing that’s made me want to vote for her. That was a good fucking decade.

I’m trying to kinja on my phone/iPad and it keeps popping me to the header of the article. Any tricks anyone has to not make me throw my technology would be greatly appreciated.

It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”

Bonus GIF

I’m not sure how much of an outright disaster this is, but it was pretty funny, so I figured I’d share.

He’s the rare pitcher who really just works the middle of the plate.

As a Pats fan, I am extremely disappointed. If the Patriots beat Seattle part of me won't feel right celebrating it. I understand they would have beaten Indy anyways, but that's not the point. It seems like we are always the ones trying to find ingenious ways to get an advantage. The majority of the time these tactics

"No abortion, with exceptions for rape/incest" is always bullshit.

Without getting too deep into politics, I can say that I would be happy to vote Liberal...as soon as Blue Team provides me with an actual Liberal option rather than another Diet Conservative who happens to lean slightly left on social issues. :/