Hello, America: Never Fuck a Republican

This is what I think we will start seeing - low-level nobodies will start getting arrested like crazy. With every single testimony, more witnesses will be called, more people will be implicated. With every single deflection and refusal cooperate, more people will get wrapped up in it because then the cover-up starts

“I have wasted my life” - I LOL’d at this.

We could make a reddit. But I fucking hate reddit.

Ahahahahahahaha perfect.

Haha I was like....uhhhh so they think this won't touch them?!

I believe that! I wonder, logistically, what the real difference is. I know with other positions it’s about vetting and waiting on confirmations and stuff. But he's not subject to that and has been in his position a while...what's the difference??

Also like...Chief of Staff doesn’t have to be confirmed by the senate or anything. Trump could’ve given him the job by now haha. He’s just walking around being “acting.” I think Trump must not like him. 

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It’s painful but I am not interested in letting these people hide just so I can pretend they don’t exist.

Yeah I use kinja on mobile because on my desktop it totally slows the whole computer down. My computer is not AMAZING but I regularly do 3d modeling and video editing on it and it handles that fine! I bought it for those purposes so it has pretty decent hardware. But kinja nearly crashes it.

Not that the seriousness is the same in this case, but we all had a front row seat to that with AL Franken and years ago, Bill Clinton. 

That’s true, the right are truly champions of women's rights when it suits them. 

Sadly it’s not just MAGA people who treat victims like that. 

I am hearing and accepting all the corrections about how shitty the company is, because who am I to argue with that, but science is telling us the longer droughts are making the wildfire situation worse. This is not unrelated to climate change. Where I live we’ve always had hurricanes but they are worse now. 

....there are other places on earth.

I don’t understand why - this is a dispute over what’s literally in the Constitution. 

Ugh of course. Just hoping people are...I dunno, at least creeped out by this? I live in a state where people are being forced to relocate from their generations-long homes because of coastal erosion and they still believe climate change is a hoax though.

Unfortunately a lot of municipalities actually restrict the rights of people to use solar power (because corruption!). But hopefully that will change.

I’m trying to stay cool man. I’m trying to remind myself that he expanded Medicaid, let some really shitty tax breaks expire while implementing some decent ones, has us running on a fiscal surplus, and that we are redistricting in 2021....

I believe you - I don’t think that negates anything I said though. Their equipment is shit and they are unable to deal with escalating weather events.

This is the kind of stuff that will feel apocalypse-y to people, at least if they’ve managed to avoid the natural disasters on steroids that have been happening.