Hello, America: Never Fuck a Republican

I’m sure if this is what takes him out of the race it will really break his heart (and the hearts of lots of voters for sure). I just would hate to see him hurt himself further, and I certainly don’t want to lose his voice in the crowd.

Yeah I mean I’m not going to pretend to be a doctor or anything, but I CAN give some expertise on old men I love not taking care of themselves after heart attacks and it ain’t pretty.

Yeah a big part of this is that many of the more horrible things he has done have been TOTALLY LEGAL and within his power. We have to take anything we can get to kneecap him.


My theory is that Trump bugged his people forever to set up this arrangement with various world leaders, telling his minions to threaten this leader with this or that leader with that. Over and over, they told him no. Each call with these different leaders, he “joked” about it - he touched on it, and then some “adult

In the South, they claim plausible deniability by saying the Confederate Flag is about history and heritage. So weird that it just so happens all the racists around the country also use it!

And for those who have asked me why I don’t move, I am moving to a purple county soon, but I feel like we shouldn’t leave deeply red areas, but infiltrate them, instead.

I mean, since his argument is essentially the literal opposite of what it says in the Constitution, SCOTUS might actually be on our side here. Roberts is a douchebag but he doesn’t tend to vote against the literal text of the Constitution, historically.

Well they can’t go under oath or it’s insta-perjury!

I know...I was like....where do they think the idea of impeachment comes from? Haha. 

I don’t know how he can expect to win this if he can’t do the campaign events and stuff. I absolutely do not wish for his demise, and I realize heart attacks are a thing you can fully recover from, but in the direct aftermath you’ve got to rest and take it easy. That’s kind of critical for this moment to keep his

I hope you’re right. Time will tell.

Eh Gorsuch hasn’t rule enough times for me to rank him higher than those others. 

Dude I don’t support them at all. I just have more than three brain cells and understand that she would be a lot less of a disaster than Trump.


A year ago I'd agree with you but I think they have shifted - even Hamno seems to be hardcore Warren these days. 

Happens to the best of us. I think we all have brain damage from the last few years. 

What? That’s just not how the math breaks down.

They weren’t. In which case we’d have a 7 or 8 person court without a solid conservative majority.

Yeah I know private schools often do that.