Hello, America: Never Fuck a Republican

I know. I can’t even talk about that one right now. Worse, the case they’re hearing is in my state and I am supposed to vote to reelect the Democratic governor who signed it this weekend (because he is so much less terrible than his opponents). I feel like I'm going to vomit when I do it. 

Yeah it’s a weird look to act like this is something outrageous when it was super common then and still happens in various forms now. I heard my bosses say something similar in the past decade - that they needed to stop hiring young women because of maternity leave. I have lots of friends who have felt pushed out of

Or Tulsi - don’t forget to give these people credit when they support women who aren’t actually going to win! 

You say this as if the media overlords aren’t loving having Trump in office. 

But we know that with enough time, especially if she becomes the nominee, these people will sow a tale of “both sidesism” to disillusion people. They want to make her seem like a corrupt liar because if she and Trump both are, what's the point of voting? 

Obligatory: This will be relevant for a long time

I’m not sure how we can get from here to comprehensive civil rights protections in 2-3 years, but your main point stands:. We must remember they are ruling on existing laws. This isn't a ruling that a law protecting LGBTQ people is unconstitutional or something - simply that they are not protected under current laws.

...I mean generally yes but this affects them very specifically. 

Gorsuch as the swing vote, fuck us all.

I love so-called progressives who act like this isn't a thing that happened. 

They don't have a lot of options with the DOJ infiltrated by Trump loyalists. :/

Pssst it’s the message before “call me” that's of concern, dipshit. 

I agree but simultaneously it’s like, if I elect a president I want that person to have power so it would feel like an annoying Democrat “high road” self-own. It’s a tough one.

Scuse me but I have it on good internet commenting authority that she is a corporate shill and the corporate sector is supporting her to sabotage Bernie. 

Well yeah but you’d have to trust people to remember the beginning of the story as anything other than NAFTA BAD, MURICAN JOBS GOOD!

I swear to fuck if I go through another election being harassed by assholes on the left who have the same fucking goals I do because they are believing Russian-planted conspiracies...argghh. 

I’mopen to idea it may not be gone for good, but we certainly can't count on them. 

Trumpvoters are indeed idiots but they vote and our strategy has to assume they will vote in droves no matter what. 

Sure - it’s important that the more progressive voters hear this stuff though. They need to see the possibilities if Democrats have more power. 

I assume it’s Trump eating up all the air.