Heir 2.0

Hearing their voices in these recordings and how much Amber used toxic reasoning and abusive language was enough to change my perspective on her. I don’t have any reason to trust what she says is true after hearing those recordings. The way she was speaking to Johnny reminded me of the way the worst men I’ve dated

Yeah, those tapes were awful. She was gaslighting him six ways to Tuesday. “I didn’t punch you, Johnny, I hit you. You’re such a baby.”

Shouldn’t you explain pro-ana at the start of the article? Had to google. There is a mention of anorexia at the end.

My mom is like that. Her victim stories shift and change as she tells them and they’re always “true” in that she believes what she’s saying. I’ve watched the process of her elaborating and re-architecting entire narratives to fit the crime she’s accusing someone of. I’ve seen her work herself into a panic attack as

It’s kinda fucked up that he has evidence and multiple witnesses that he was an abuse victim and she has none, yet the best people can do is “Well they’re both probably abusers”, even with Heard on tape saying this was what she was planning to do to him.

Her stories become increasingly dramatic as Depp refutes everything. To me, thats a sign of a liar. The human memory isnt an infallible thing but this woman is consistent with it. Take poopgate for example. In her TRO she said Depp was yelling about something that “didnt happen”. When Depp first publicly alleged human

I pretty much believed Depp had done the things he was accused of until I listened to the audio of Heard mocking him that nobody would believe that a man was a victim of domestic violence and excoriating him for leaving rooms when she got violent with him. If we accept that men can be victims of domestic abuse and

It appears on the surface that social media outlets are moving in a more body-inclusive and body-positive direction. However, starvation diets and “wellness” lifestyles seem just as strong as ever. 

Ah yes, the “favour” that is not really a favour, but turns into a nightmare.


Every. Single. Year. My parents get a condo down at Orange Beach, AL.

I appreciate that, but I’ve had 30 some odd years to think about it. I was not the hero she needed because I didn’t tell. I waited for her to tell, and she got the gut punch of not being believed.

My only excuse is I was 13 / 14 at the time, and I wasn’t mentally / emotionally prepared for any of it.

This was only a couple of years ago. I - mid-twenties, unemployed and suffering from serious depression - had moved back to live with my parents in the UK. I was seeing a therapist but apart from that my life was a mess and my self-esteem was through the floor.

Worst was when I went to Indianapolis for the US Nationals drag races in 1982 and got totally sunburned to hell on my face and neck two days in. I’m talking so bad the bed looked like someone had been murdered in it from all the blood. I had to sleep in a chair, tanked up on mom’s back pills to sleep at all. I spent

Oh, man. You were the hero she needed--I’m proud of you.

Having been in north Texas several times, I can concur.

One school holidays, we were out in the boat at the islands. Did my usual sunscreen before swimming and playing, and everything is grand. Mam calls us out of the water for lunch, then reminds me to ‘screen up again before going back in the water. Y’all. The sunscreen reacted somehow, and BOILED the skin on my

My family never went on vacations but I spent many a summer and Christmas in the motherland with my grandma. The summer I turned 11 she and a gaggle of female relatives decided to go to Cancun/Isla Mujeres. She invited me and my best friend at the time. We were beyond excited. About a week before the trip I notice a

I sorta want to hear your sister’s take on this, too. 

On a road trip from the great white north down to Texas, my family of 4 stopped at a Whataburger for dinner after waiting at a family-style restaurant to be served, and instead ignored, for 45 minutes. My parents are brown and my sibling and I are white-passing — we were in northern Texas and it was one of my first