Heir 2.0

Maria, thank you - from an adoptive mom - for treating this subject fairly and not jumping on the villagers with torches bandwagon just because you can. One of the things outsiders frequently miss about the larger world of adoption is the idea that no one should knowingly take on a child they cannot care for. When my

I have mixed feeling on this. I’m not big on social media and am not a follower of whatever this influencer is putting out.

Thank you for always acknowledging an error before fixing rather than surreptitiously changing on the sly! It’s a beautiful facet of yours. ♡

I know this is totally pedantic, but it’s vocal CORDS, not vocal CHORDS.

T.I. did NOT get it.

Erin Condren aside, why so dismissive about “the planner community”? For people like me, a single mother with a full time job and several side projects to try to make ends meet, having a written down schedule is completely crucial. And I also use my Passion Planner (check them out as a very good alternative to

As always, Jezebel must never miss an opportunity to crap all over the allies that it says that it wants, because they don’t do it exactly the right way.

Oh, man, I just looooooooooove how this guy has so much $$ he can drag out legal proceedings with continuous appeals... whereas your average person can be bankrupted by farcical SLAPP suits. No fucking wonder why people stay quiet for so long or forever. 

Hey, you might want to reword the headline to clarify that it is the PA Supreme Court and not the US Supreme Court. And, as always, fuck Cosby.

From the headline I initially thought this was the U.S. Supreme Court, and just thought “In 5-4 opinion by Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court overturns Cosby’s rape conviction” would absolutely be the most 2020 headline possible. 

Excellent work. There is no way that’s a tampon. How come no one consults tampon wearers before this shit goes viral?

“Blair Publishing responded that it would not impede on an author’s “fundamental freedom” to say whatever they wanted”

While I understand feeling disappointment in JK Rowling expressing her out of touch views, why should her publishing company be forced to say anything in public on the matter? Can’t we just let some things stay neutral? The more to the left we go the closer we are to closing that circle and ending up on the far right.

“When statues and other monuments stop reflecting current values enough, they get pulled down sharp-ish”

In about a 3-month span, I found out that my dad had defrauded me out of $60,000 and he had tried to have my mom evicted from her house. I finally had enough justification to never talk to him again.

Father’s Day makes me sad and Mother’s Day is not much better. My Dad was not a nice father when I was growing up and my mother stood by him. I still have a relationship with them for what it’s worth. 

Right? It’s ash blonde!

1) Julliette Hough has one of those generic faces where I’m like, I sorta recognize her but am not sure who she is.

I was just not fast enough today. You beat me to it. Please accept this 1 Internets you have just won.