Heir 2.0

Oh most of them just think that the propaganda bullshit pictures are the truth- that babies are fully formed as soon as egg and sperm collide and they just get bigger as time goes by.

They don’t care. You could show them the “fetal remains” of a first trimester abortion and it wouldn’t change a thing. The reality of abortion and miscarriage doesn’t even enter their consciousness. It’s not about the size of the remains to these assholes. They don’t even care about the details of an abortion. All

I’d say there are two objectives: first to make choosing abortion prohibitively expensive and second to breach doctor-patient confidentiality since a record of every abortion will automatically be created for the State on top of the private one the doctor has and it will be attributed to the woman.

This is really really stupid, and terrible. A lot of fetal remains in miscarriages are so small we can’t even really find them in pathology, let alone cremate or bury them. And if pathology is done, the remains are in formaldehyde and kept for X days (Depends on protocol of the facility) and then you have the little

As has been noted here, it’s very telling that they don’t require cremation/burial if you happen to abort, spontaneously or otherwise, at home. What exactly are they trying to accomplish here?

Is there a way they could make it more economical? Like do a “bulk waste incineration cremation” or something?

...and used condoms/tissues.

More than many can afford. I’m sure the Texas GOP did the math.

now imagine burring all of your tampons and pads.

If no birth or death certificates are required why should this sort of medical waste be treated any differently than an amputated limb or organ?

Medical facilities will be responsible for the costs of burial or cremation, which are often as costly as several thousand dollars.

Steve Bannon is the deadly space virus.

Since this is a Dirtbag, may I present a Dirtbag Extraordinaire

Sometimes I picture him sadly putting on his little engineer cap as he switches on his electric train set and whispers, “It’s just the two of us again, Mr. Locomotive.”

And fuck you TMZ.

Seeing Colin Farrell turn into Depp was a complete sad trombone moment. I need Colin Farrell back!

I don’t really care for her character on GoT but I can’t think of any girl who isn’t too good for the various Jonas people.

Hot take: my beloved Sansa Stark is too good for that Jonas person.

Fuck you depp.