Heir 2.0

I have adored her ever since she was in Across the Universe. I can totally see myself being friends with her. I hope talking about her experiences has helped her heal. And westworld is an awesome show, last night’s episode was so good!!!

I just love her. I am sorry to hear that she has been raped on more than one occasion, it is shitty and I hope that with even more time the scars lighten. It seems as if she is in a better place and I hope she keeps moving forward.

After last night I’m wondering if what Maeve is doing is actually Ford’s new storyline. Hence why no one seems to notice or care about her wandering around when she is with the medical techs. They could possibly be hosts as well or told to entertain her. He is using Maeve and her growing army to slaughter the board &

His dick brother in law was right.

I was so excited when she showed up at his camp, becuz you knew what was about to go down! They are hot hot hot.

I actually didn’t know she wasn’t a fan fave. Her story is amazing and she adds a great edge to the show. Also, love the one liners especially this week when she basically said that going “half way” is like a “half fuck”. Either do it all the way or don’t do it at all. Lol.

Wait, people don’t like Maeve?

“... Hector Escaton, the very appealing bandit who has robbed her several times before. They have open-mouthed sex in a burning tent, which I am down with.”

I think we’re to assume that Maeve has taken ALL the necessary precautions not to get caught at this point - which would mean disabling security cameras, etc.

I am completed unsurprised that a black woman on a genre show is disliked by fans. The ol’ Martha Jones syndrome.

Maeve is my favorite! I liked her sass immediately and she just keeps getting better.

Billy is SUCH is Nice Guy.

My feeling is that they shouldn’t. Like Westworld seems to be doing all along, so far, the draw isn’t the shock or surprise, but the execution. And I’m ok with that. A well told story doesn’t necessarily need to be surprising. Trying to strive for shock or worse, letting surprise me your main metric for quality, is

Just a question: are there any security cameras in the building? It seems like Maeve striking a surgeon with a knife last episode would have been handled in like 10 minutes. And her narrating robots would also go trigger some kind of security test?

I thought it was a Reddit wet dream because of the Nice Guy hero.

Pet theory: Teddy is Wyatt, and everyone is waiting for him to “come back”.

But could it be a good thing? It felt like Lost and True Detective tied themselves in knots just to make sure the nerds weren’t right. I could see the appeal of a show that’s actually guessable. The suspense may be gone a bit, but fan engagement might be higher. Not sure, tbh, just thinking out loud.

Personally, I prefer my robots to tell me how I can make $94 an hour and buy a new BMW in my first month of working.

Ford is dead and had his consciousness uploaded into a host body, handled by Bernard. That’s why he can control all of the hosts with his mind. Because he’s connected to them.

Counterpoint: Ford is the first host built by Arnold to achieve sentience.