Heir 2.0

It’s a dog show where they have women instead of dogs. What on earth is even the difference between this and west minster? These shows are humiliating. Shouldn’t be grateful for social scraps. Have women terrified of reporting their rapes or genuinely believing nothing will come of it, but hey, at least this girl got

And let’s not forget the silent policing of women’s clothing - too short, too tight, too edgy. I get it. Ugh

I think she’s doing her best to try and provide a positive example of her faith and culture where she can to masses who might otherwise not see someone in a hijab or a “burkini”, but I’m also firmly of the belief that beauty pageants are outdated, sexist, and harmful. So... I guess good for her for trying to combat

I love her. Her courage, her beauty, her dimples. Those dimples!

This is why we’ll never have a female president. Trying to pretend like some latitude in a female dog show is progress. Fuck this country.

How inclusive of this human cattle auction.

Can we stop? So fucking what?

L.A.’s famed Chateau Marmot

He would have gotten at least a rude gesture from me. Because fuck that shit.

They finally released a statement about it:

Admirable restraint on the part of everyone else.

Screw that guy and Delta.

Emoluments clause emoluments clause emoluments clause....

But this guy is sure he’s going to change everything for the better. OR. he’s just a fascistic, misogynistic asshole.

Classic hotep move. A faint, distant, soupçon of fact smothered in misinformation and transformed into loud foolishness, with the erasure of WOC’s agency and bodily autonomy as the delicious, culminating cherry on top.

She was crazy Christian from 2004 until 2010. She announced that she’d “quit” Christianity again in 2010. So it’s been six years.

The show better be gay as fuck.

“presenting Lestat’s story as it is told in the books, complete with the many situations that readers expect to see.”

As a queer and as an ex-goth, Anne Rice novels (and Savage Love in the back of the Ottawa XPress) got me through highschool. Nobody else, it seemed, knew how queer those books were, and it was important to me that queerness was just presented matter-of-factly, albeit you know, supernaturally and with sexy sexy

Better a Tom Cruise Lestat than whatever the hell was going on in the Queen of the Damned movie. That was the worst thing I have ever seen. I’m looking forward to this TV adaptation.