
I say to myself, “In 10 years your family will be there. Your job probably won’t.”  That keeps me balanced.

Normally it would be a cheat to hook up the eye lines in two shots from completely different scenes. The shot is flopped in the edit.  Though from this trailer, it seems like it might be a plot point.

Okay, let’s go a few months into the future and he’s found guilty of this. Where will Smollett’s career be? Done?

Unfortunately there are tremendously talented voice actors who aren’t names and most can’t get a foot in the door with features. The producers want names to get butts in the seats and will hire someone like Julia Roberts whose voice on its own is as flat as a pancake and equally unique. Many of the big names who

Now I’m embarrassed that I still have all my Banana Splits fan club stuff.

It’s surprising that the US networks haven’t dubbed Peppa and her friends with an American accent. That’s what PBS did with Thomas the Tank Engine.

I bet Kardashian also sleeps on her back to avoid wrinkles.

Come on. He wasn’t that great. David Gunn, whom we had in the 80s and 90s was great. Byford got huffy at Bombardier when they didn’t deliver the streetcars on time, but never really did anything to remedy the problem, among other things he let slide. He got out of Toronto when he realized that the jig was just about

A jumper.

In the 90s I lived in a small town of about 12,000. The amateur theater group decided to do a play (sorry, can’t remember the name) - a two-hander with an old grouchy white guy and an old grouchy black guy. The town had maybe 10 black families, tops. The group ended up getting a white guy in blackface to play the

“Time out?” That’s what the “Mindful Moment Room” seems like.

Um, he’s an actor.  He can convince himself to kiss anything.

Regardless of texture, canned tomatoes are good for your health. They have something called lycopene which, according to Google, lowers your risk of heart disease, prostate cancer and macular degeneration. Since heart attacks or strokes took out all of my grandparents, I’ll stick with the canned stuff.

What about Peter O’Toole?

If that’s the case, I think he should get his liver checked for jaundice.

When is prostitution going to be legalized? I’d rather have that than pot or ‘shrooms.  It would make things a lot safer for the workers.

The scary thing is there are a number of unsolved gay murders in Toronto from the late 70s. McArthur worked right downtown during that period. As the experts are saying, no serial killer starts in his 60s.

Sounds like the aunt is looking for children’s book deal.

No actor turns down an offer to do an animated film regardless of how crappy the script or silly the dialogue. (I’m thinking of you, Sir Patrick Stewart, in The Emoji Movie.)  Even a small villain part played by a big name gets about $300K for half a day’s work. Only one actor that I’ve heard of turned down a part and

Old man Brokaw at the 1% dinner parties he attends probably says shit like “Black people should act more white” and “Women really shouldn’t be working.” Time to retire, Tom!