
You’ve now got Andy Byford as your new subway chief. He was CEO of the TTC and pretty much jumped ship when he realized it wasn’t going to get fixed anytime soon. He’s a little too mild mannered for the job. Good luck.

I think I’d rather have a personal support stuffie, like a squirrel puppet or maybe a faux fur blankie. No airline can complain about those.

Susan was the Queen’s corgi that her parents gave her when the Q. turned 18.

Happi would have been, well, happier.

5a. The company goes with whichever idea. Then someone in the company tells the agency, “Why don’t we change this? This new idea would be cool. It would be awesome.” Agency shrugs shoulders and allows (or has no choice but to allow) company to fuck up the idea.

Granted that Gaga was a hard act to follow, but Timberlake still was lacklustre.

Sounds like 1984.

If the US is such a great country, why do they treat medical care for their citizens like a third world country would?

Makes you wonder whether Officer Holets would have been as keen if the child was black.

He sold a car to the wreckers the day before he was arrested. Apparently the cops found blood in the trunk that they could get samples from.

If you can, just lease. That way you’re not throwing away a chunk of cash (your downpayment and interest). Invest that cash. There’s nothing worse than getting rid of money that could be working for you. By leasing, you get a new car and the dealership usually has to worry about the repair bills.

Don’t forget Spy magazine!

You can also collapse a lung if you’re in a weakened condition. Been there, done that.

“Paddington 2 Proves That You Can Get Away with Fucking Up Anything As Long as You Do It in a Virtuosically Rube Goldbergian Way and Are Also a Bear”

Why couldn’t she have waited a couple of years until the Queen passes? Then she could have published without offending the monarch.

How much did Spacey get and how much did Plummer get?

I wonder whether they will cover Kenneth Anger’s claim that she had an affair with Tallulah Bankhead.

And what did Plummer get versus Spacey?

From the photo, I would have said she was 57, not 47.

I’d like to zoom ahead 10 years and see where we are.