
You are a much better google-er than I, I am impressed and nostalgic.

We should all aspire to having the kind of life that lets us wear chain metal balaclavas for the cover of our catalogue. #bossbitch

YES!!! I kept telling people about Cher’s catalogue and no one believed me. I wanted everything in it!

I would buy THE FUCK out of Stevie Nicks White Witch home decor collection. No lie.

I didn’t even see boobs, I just saw the most incredible bathroom counter that I fucking covet. It’s like crystal and glows from within? It looks like it’s from the Stevie Nicks White Witch collection for Kohler.

He sure did love his son “to death”.

I hate to be that person but I am going to be, why the fuck do people like Ed sheerhan music?

You have a childish outlook on things. You should be tried as a child.

Yep exactly what I said glad you understood it.

Hilarious to put “children” in quotes as if there is any dispute that a 12 or 13 year old is a child. Get a grip. No one is saying that they didn't do something wrong, but children are held to different standards for very good scientific reasons.

I’ll see you and raise you

I’ve been encountering this a lot lately:

Americans can do it too! We’re #1!

But... but.... but... what side of the graph do they go on?! I MUST KNOW!

little. little hearts

I wont have my son catching the gay from a pink cardboard box i tell you what

Cannot process nuance!

I’m sure my opinion on all this is invalid because I’m a heartless woman who doesn’t want children, but, I have family and friends who have had miscarriages, and I have a friend who lost a child in an accident. A child he’d taken to soccer practice, and taught to read, and talked to across the dinner table every night

Unpopular opinion: She lost a pregnancy, not a child.

Trump and his campaign continue to insist that he’s a lover of women