Could we get a trigger warning before you show a SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!???
Could we get a trigger warning before you show a SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!???
or maybe like half the people who listened to his "speech" there or at home, they realized they should have better things to do. Fuck Common and celebrities and their self-promotional, retail activism.
Has Abbott come out against the proposal or is this one of those issues that does nothing to add to the contrast? I presume both candidates are also on the same side of the pro-puppy and pro-hugs lobby too, but it would be disingenuous to cover only one candidate's view on it when the other's is the same
oh my god that dude in the jacket who says "oh shit!" makes me laugh so hard EVERY TIME
wow, judge people much? Not everyone is cut out or interested in college. If you want to take some time off the workforce or stay at home to be a parent that's a personal decision for you and your partner.
what's in the gif?!
No, I believe the idea is if you have an STI or cancer they don't want to hire you. You can be not a virgin and do the Pap smear. It's discrimination against the sick.
in the US I'd say fuck that shit . But the Brazilian government already exerts total control over health services and public employees make up a large part of the work force. You can't give the government all that power and complain when they excercise it.
I don't think you understand what the gender gap is
would smash. So hard
Got to love that her fall-back response was that this was "racism." People like this make me sick. There is real racism in the world and you acting like an asshole and facing the consequences is not part of it.
you're a dolt. read up transmission rates among behavior groups and get back to us
oh great "sex-positive Sally" has shown up. Please enlighten me as to how everyone is entitled to sex, regardless of STI status, and how any moral imperatives for disclosure are just mean-spirited and in no way related to the safety of the other person.
I wonder if there are weird Costanza-and-the-tip-jar situations where patrons try to time their prayers to get the discount
I don't think these Satanists can even spell RFRA if they think this is "repurposing" the Hobby Lobby, which was about "religious" corporations being treated then religious non-profits. That abortion/birth control /reproductive health was involved had no legal significance in the decision.
*You mean "Womyn's studies"
They lived in socialist republic where they had basically no freedom of choice in their lives. Government school, government job, government housing. You'd want to just grab some air Jordan's and fancy liquor too.
So how is it any stupider then the headlines I read on this site claiming that the SCOTUS decision meant that your boss could "take away" your birth control. I think we invited this idiocy when we approached the decision with hyperbole and rage instead of reasoned analysis