
wtf. No

Exactly, or where the circumstances suggest that consent may not have been clearly communicated and coercion was not present.

You don't think minimum guideline for rape would adversely affect minorities too? what do we do then?

Whaaaat? Does nobody on this thread remember the minimum sentence discussion on drug offenses for the last 20 years???!

Question: Do we want to have a system where courts overturn sentences for not being long enough? I could see a red state appeals judge in Florida doing this to a Miami judge who is trying to do the best thing for a young drug offender by giving him a light sentence.

Let's start a thread about how inane the Upworthy site is:

Just so were clear:

Scalia dissented from that opinion btw. Said some dramatic shit like it was "the antithesis of freedom" or something

This article is right, but where is this line-drawing and call for civility when people refer to conservative justices like Scalia "demented," "evil," and "insane" or refer to Thomas as "dimwitted" or an "Uncle Tom"?

That is terrible advice

"Is there ever a good reason to throw a fist in a woman's face?" - Ray Rice

Thank you! As a feminist, straight male an a domestic violence victim (ex wife), I am constantly facing down the idea that only I and other cis males are capable of rape, assault, abuse, and intimidation.


eh fuck em. Who wants to work with them
anyway ?

Those poor kids. The state should offer subsidies to people for NOT having kids. What kind of life is this?


  • a single "Star War," singular

Kept the kid out of school for a week because he couldn't bring his precious pony backpack??

Maybe it wasn't so bad but her post-baby hormones caused her to freak out and get all emotional and rash