Harrison Voorhees

Wrong stadium, the Pond is across the street ;)

But god damn that steering wheel ruins the cool of everything else. =[

See that’s the thing. According to the law maybe they can’t. But according to what they’ve physically accomplished, they totally can. The old saying goes “It’s only illegal if you get caught and punished.”

As long as the person agreed to let him push them out of the way he should be okay right? Where is Mr. Lehto?!?!

Where are you stuffing that rag?

A caricature? Everything in that post was at one point or another spewed by conservative politicians and mass media.

Why is that that people use liberal like it’s a bad word? I guess it just makes it easier to feel better about yourself or make you feel superior or some crap like that. Pretty sad.

You absolute savage. Perfect 5/7

It took me way too long to realize you were being sarcastic. I kind of suspected something in the second paragraph but once you got to the EPA I figured it out. The sad scary thing is that there are people out there believe 90% of what you typed.

“Vehicle shown has Cherokee Sportsman II option package fitted.”

top kek m8 i r8 8/8

“how stupid people are” and “seize to amaze me”

Inline 6 from a GTR. See: RB26DETT

Can confirm, definitely hurts when dropped on toe.

This bottle opener is the bet bottle opener in the world. Love mine. However it does tend to get mixed up with the other tools sometimes because it really does look like a combo wrench if you’re not paying attention.

Or ya know, the very first episode where a guy fucks his sister. Suddenly everyone is offended by a rape. If anything it adds something genuine and believable. People in power notoriously abusing their abilities. Bad people do bad shit, I don’t get why everyone is suddenly so surprised at this.

Bernie’s a woman?

You make a valid argument that the face of the car has changed from their corporate face but fail to mention why that change is a negative one.