Harrison Voorhees

Anyone who plays Arma 3 will recognize that Greek island as Stratis, the main island in the game.

Even next week it’ll be cool.

Another non-believer. Probably don’t think Santa Claus is real either. What a schmuck.

This thread needs more Rado

We love you.

Only if it races

Ill let you kick me twice.

One of these things is a solitary picture that someone took on a mediocre camera for personal use and distribution and likely would not have made any money off of anyway and probably had no intention of doing so. The other is a multi-million dollar project that typically employs hundreds of people who depend on it to

But “accidentally” poisoning them all is better PR?

classic Angelino thinking that “the west” means LA. LA wasn’t even close to the worst in the West, let alone the country. Check out pittsburg from like 70 years ago

The point was, BEFORE you knew about how it sounded, did you expect it to sound good. A chimpanzee would be able to remember if something they had already heard sounded good or not. But when a car like the Abarth originally came out, nobody expected what came out of its ass. The jag on the other hand is a stretch. If

How can I watch this after the fact?

Yay! My favorite era in rally and my favorite car!

adapt to its home country’s rapod;y changomg geopolitical position in the world

But if you read the document posted, you do know the course. Gratton raceway on page 41 has the layout of the course.

Early next year the entire strike group will participate in Composite Unit Training Exercise (COMPUTEX) before being certified for deployment.

Your logic and sensibility are a waste on this one I’m afraid.

I believe that’s an Elise not an Exige with 116hp

It doesn’t really take any money to make those particular people look stupid. They do it themselves. :)

nice meme