Harrison Voorhees

China literally produces half of the world’s steel and more than half of the world’s cement. What exactly are you talking about?

It may not render your statement false but it also doesn’t mean that what you’re trying to say is true either. You’re equating innovation with invention. That’s like comparing the discovery of the America’s by Vespucci, with the discovery of the America’s by someone who took a flight from Spain already knowing it’s

Dude get real, people are killed in the name of Christ or because they’re not Christian all the time. Just because you choose to hide from that fact doesn’t make it any less true.

Now I’m not trying to be rude here, just trying to make sure I accurately and fully understand your point. So you’re saying that because liberal minded politicians hate Christians, (which many of them are, by the way) they should also proportionally (analogously) hate Muslims? Basically what we might refer to as “an

Radio waves will always travel faster than whatever they’re chasing.

Yayyyy!! Racism and xenophobia!!

They usually come in all white.

Saying that this isn’t the prettiest car in the world is like saying Hitler wasn’t the most agreeable leader. I just can’t get past that snout.

For the life of me I can’t understand why people would bash the new Alfa and then think that this looks in any way good. That is a downright offence to my eyes.

Are you the old man yelling at skateboarders for riding their surfboards on the sidewalk?

Keep on fighting that good fight. The truth will prevail.

Worse than the nazis? Really? You need a nap.

Now I’m not entirely sure but it looks like it originates from the tripod looking thing directly in front of the group of soldiers. Here’s a grab.

I don’t think it’s as likely as you make it out to be. If you watch more carefully, you can see that there is group of soldiers standing a good distance from the point of the explosion and they aren’t making a hullabaloo about the situation. This would not be the case if they knew someone was in the blast zone,

You should leave.

Tacoma has never looked more fun.

“One of the cleanest examples of an Exige that I’ve seen.”

Tyler that was wonderful. Well done.

with form (and regulations) completely dictating function.