
Same to you, Kara. I saw this post, felt annoyed, then saw your name and thought, “Oh, well obviously.” Something huge and historical happens and you roll your eyes and shit on it because it didn’t happen on YOUR terms. Not everything in life is going to go according to Kara’s exact wishes because not everything is

I was positively gleeful today as I watched the Capitol mall fill up and then saw the sister rallies all around the globe. Today, the world (or a lot of it, anyway) stood up and said to Trump in one voice, “Fuck you.” And I loved every second of it. My heart felt lighter than it had in a long time.

Hello, fellow Aquarian! It’s my birthday too! Today was the best gift ever (that, and I finished all my laundry). It really warmed my heart to see today’s march turnout absolutely trounce yesterday’s inauguration turnout AND to see all the sister rallies AROUND THE WORLD. For the first time in a long time, I don’t

I take much joy in it. But we should probably refrain from punching in the name of being “better than that” and all that crap.

Yeah, but the point is your dog’s spirit is always alive and well and out in the world being awesome. I still won’t see it, but it’s a nice fuzzy thought to think sometimes.

Yeah, she just did something really short-sighted. I’ll take dumb idiot who is sorry about her mistakes than evil idiot who won’t.

He fucking hates them. I do not care.

We’re in free fall, my friend.

It could be they’re waiting for her to screw up outside of jail so they can charge her with more. Like they did with that Couch kid: give him 10 years probation he can’t possibly get through without fucking up, haul him back to jail for the long term.

You can’t use Clinton as a straw man anymore. It’s done. Move on. Do something useful.

We’ll get through this. We just can’t let this become “normal.” We have to use this time to take a hard look at how ugly this country can be and fix it. If there is a silver lining to this, it’s that it served as a wake-up call for people (like me) who naively thought America was heading in the right direction,

THAT WAS HILARIOUS. How she got more and more birdlike through every retelling until finally she was an outright ostrich.

I just want to sneak up behind him with a pair of garden sheers and lop it right off. It’s so dry and crunchy-looking.

Side note: am I the only one annoyed with the “Cover Guy”? Like can you just let girls have the goddamn “Cover Girl” label? I know it’s a stupid thing to be upset about given our current political landscape, but CAN WE JUST HAVE ONE THING TO OURSELVES BESIDES TAMPONS?

We were all thinking it. It’s a terrible thing to think, but...think it we must.

Somehow I’m not upset.

Don’t insult Barbie. Barbie was an astronaut, veterinarian, rock star, and ice cream maker, among other things. She was never a neo-Nazi con artist. I’m sure if she was though, Conway would have a first edition perched triumphantly on the mantle.

“Decomposing face” is the perfect response. I don’t like face-shaming, but this hag really deserves it. It’s like she’s trying to shed her exoskeleton and got stuck. Can’t wait to see her fried hair and Hapsburg mandible staining my computer for the next four years.