
Don't forget Peyton

Peyton Manning is considered a shitty qb?

...but my son wasn't born in Colorado...

Or California, which is everything Colorado wishes it was.

As a Californian, I’d be thrilled to see my tax dollars spent on something personally useful like municipal broadband. As opposed to safe places for addicts to shoot up or police departments that show up days late in response to armed robbery.

Same mountain range

I thought sunsets were like that because of human pollution?

Goes to show, see one NFL fanbase, you've seen them all.

You are both correct

I stopped caring entirely after the Steelers beat the Cardinals. There was no possible way to top that kind of championship win.

Kind of like accidentally shooting yourself during a failed armed robbery, and still getting a 10 year stretch.

And that the Rugby Championship is about to start too.  Maybe NFL players should watch and learn how to tackle without giving themselves brain damage.

Know what else happens "900 times" a game? Tackles with terrible technique, or tackles missed altogether due to bad technique.  Almost like "football tackle" and poor tackling are related...

More specifically, defenders who use their helmets as battering rams

And slowly transition into some weird forward pass rugby.  That could be fun.

I’m always with the players when it comes to contracts. But this is a case where players whining about being forced to employ good technique, and getting penalized if they can’t do it, directly conflicts with their complaints about the league ignoring player safety.

Yes, losing a game because some moron can’t master a basic tackling technique is frustrating.  Then again, that has always been the bane of bottom of the standings defenses.

The problem, as this rule will expose, is that most defenders can't make a form tackle even if their long term health depended on it.

Or...or, teach players how to properly tackle.  Most DB's can't tackle for shit (either weak arm tackles or shoulder charges) and most safeties and LBs get away with bad technique due to freakish genetics.

Remove the helmets and watch the head to heads drop.