
If you’re a middle class white woman, you don’t operate under this so-called patriarchy. And if you aren’t, white woman are just as eager and complicit to sacrifice you as any given man for a higher economic position. And not because an evil cabal of men is telling them to do so but because, newsflash, woman have the

Men do get naked on IG and magazine covers all the time...check out the male-oriented parts of the fitness industry. Or the average fashion crossover covers with black athletes in particular. As a male who has posed nude/semi nude - yes, it is empowering to look good enough naked for people to want to take your picture

All compliments are a form of judgement.  Saying “that looks nice” to a sofa is a judgement.

Name a US President who wasn’t a snake.  Maybe Carter?  

If Bezos is Slavery 101, then our country is full of (poor man’s version of) Thomas Jeffersons

Posting unfiltered, unposed photos would literally defeat the purpose of Instagram.  Which ultimately is about using female (and sometimes male) sexual attractiveness to sell products.

She is the pinnacle of the “Lean In” brand of rich white woman feminism.  

I think most humans would rather make millions for merely existing than having to work for paychecks that are smaller than what they actually deserve.  And don’t underestimate the skill required in being able to stay on the front page for over a decade.  She may have nothing to say, but she’s a master at getting huge

I’m the same age as Hillary Duff, and only comments like these make me remember she’s still around. I’m not a movie buff by any means - barely watch films at all - but I know who Faye Dunaway is.  They are in entirely different classes, as actors go.  One’s an academy award winner, the other still hasn’t fully

Just don’t push it to full throttle?

What’s the point being made here? Or is this the typical western concern trolling of human rights in other countries that ignores
A) the role western governments have played in destabilizing or attempting to destabilize every nation on this list for economic gain
B) the huge human rights issues in the West - such as

You criticized a woman’s appearance! Misogynist!  Patriarchy!

Plenty of interesting women over 40.  Something they all have in common, though, is something cool going on in their lives beyond their physical appearance.

You would have a point if she was merely a non-conventionally shaped woman doing her thing and he attacked her unprovoked. But she happens to be someone who is pushing a beauty standard onto young girls that is somehow even worse and more toxic than the anorexic chic that was so popular (and so damaging) in the 90s. 

He was critiquing the absurd photoshop job in that picture. Which is why she couldn’t take the high road about body shaming - because she’d have to admit the extent to which both her online images and actual physical body have been altered to push a fake beauty standard.  For the purpose of selling shitty products to

The term - in those 18 years - has evolved. It’s no longer a pejorative insult.

They rep different parties

Sounds beyond iffy.  Especially when gay man in question is calling out the terrible photoshop job, and your whole worldview casually ignores the terrible body image and unhealthy fashion choices KK and her crew are normalizing.

He actually was. Author jumped on the sanctimony train a little too fast. And is probably caught in an ideological dilemma - anti-misogyny says you can’t criticize a woman for her physical choices, but it also says young girls shouldn’t be pressured to conform to unrealistic body standards.  KK’s business model
