
such a shame you can’t buy all the games on game pass if you want

oh this looks like a fun article *clicks*

naw, couldn’t be

lol, no.

so uh, is there a link to this in the article or what?

regardless of whatever this article is about:

lol mini-twitch yet prexists twitch

naw, Tuesday releases only were a thing because Tuesday is when shops were allowed to release new CDs so the games industry matched it so make distribution easier, etc

My issue is, I want the game to come out at 9pm PST Monday night so I can play it all week after work and the kids are down, instead of this Thursday

Can’t speak to Capcom but Nintendo has historically bucked the Tuesday trend and always released on Friday for as long as I can remember.

Most games historically have tended to come out on Tuesday so this feels like waiting an extra 3 days (you could also argue that it’s coming out 4 days early but that’s just silly!)

Friday release? Really? REALLY?!

uhhh Alyx is black dude

This is one of the best articles on kotaku in a while and I’ll tell you why: it linked to the freaking store page at the end in the story of the article.

lol that headline

I am aware and it’s a reaaaaaaaaal bummer!

Imagine if literally any Playstation ever just had a IR port like every Xbox ever has had and you could just use a harmony remote to 1 button turn on everything and set them to the correct inputs! It would be like some sort of magic! Which I’ve been able to do for the past 15 years with all my other shit plugged into

Cyberpunk 2077

Nice, PGA 2k21 was great, super happy to see 2k is serious about putting more money behind this series

“We concluded that there was no evidence that Laurent harassed, discriminated, or retaliated against the plaintiff,” reads part of a statement by the special committee, which is made up of three members of Riot Games’ board of directors.


Holy shit, a easy to read list article that’s not a slideshow ?! IT IS POSSIBLE!