
I can’t help but think the grill was a perfect example of stylistic compromise — and you never ever should compromise on a styling queue. It’s left me thinking its either a homage to woman’s pubic area or a Hitler mustache.

So a catastrophic event that resulted in a rebuild is considered reliable, but a timing belt change at specified intervals is not reliable?

So reliable that it had to be completely rebuilt at 80k.

Such a beautiful Frankenstein, But Frankenstein nonetheless. For the same money you can get a 2008 S4 Avant with 1/2 the miles...

I can’t handle a lap dance, which I imagine is mandatory for owning this vehicle. 

Edit: Thanks to Squirrels and States I now know it comes with a shoulder harness from the opposite side.

huh!  Thanks for the clarification.  

Call me New Fashioned, but a 1992 car with only lap belts seems scary to me. Like using only the rhythm method to stay kid-free.  

That is the most hatchbacky non-hatchback I’ve ever paid attention to.  I’d love to se it in my next door neighbor’s driveway.

I never would have thought of Bill Maher on a stripper pole, but to each his own Rob; kinda like the Modyssey.

It’s like having a 50 year old stripper as your girlfriend and she named herself Modusty. Sure, it’s interesting, but not sure why.

It’s the Ted Bundy of modifications: good looks on the outside and an absolute death trap once you get inside...

I could have sworn it was done on the TV show too.  Ahh, only 20 years ahead of it’s time regardless.

Edit: the loop was done in the TV show Blue Thunder. Yes, this was a productive 50 minutes of my time realizing there were TWO helicopter themed TV shows in the 80s (Magnum P.I. and Riptide don’t count).

CP for me. BUT, I can totally understand someone thinking this is the best thing since Jan Michael-Vincent did the full loop-de-loop in his chopper in Air Wolf.

$15/hp is a pretty sweet place to be.  To fix the odds and ends from splitting might be another $1,500, but still in a great sub $20/hp territory.  


The V50 is a perfectly cromulent car.