I guess the mentioned board sliding over the top of the bed's arms wouldn't necessarily protect precious heads if the vibration comes from a certain other source than an earthquake.
I guess the mentioned board sliding over the top of the bed's arms wouldn't necessarily protect precious heads if the vibration comes from a certain other source than an earthquake.
That's gonna be annoying.
Serenity now!
@bmart008: Wood, Jerry. Wood.
@egojab: Not just that - think about all the money you will lose because it falls through the holes!
@lostarchitect: Thanks for that link! I bet this will come handy to kill some boring office time.
I sure can!
@Curves: I don't even want to think about that.
And I thought Iceland was bankrupt.
Dear Giz, it would be nice of you to sometimes think of those readers not living in the US. I can pretty much _assume_ by now that I won't see a thing in Europe, but only after reading the whole article.
@ripfire: I would own a Ferrari only if I had hilarious amounts of money, in which case yes, I would buy some for my friends too - just to share the fun.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just drive a real Ferrari?
@PoG: "In fact, he is currently the largest, single holder of Disney stock."
@2late2die: True in every point! Wouldn't be a bummer if it didn't take Moto and all the other handset manufactures forever to port new Android versions to their (old) handsets. I think it's one of the big disappointments of Android in general that it's not done by Google simply releasing an OS update. If I would have…
4 Months passed since I bought it and now my Milestone has become a 'cheap, low-end mass market handset'. Sigh.
Yeah, 1k$. That could make a popular price - for a car.
How much did they pay you for this ad? Not so long ago, Giz told us that these insurances are basicly just a rip-off. And I think that's still true.
And they threw in a great illustration, too! Air comes into some miraculous black box, hot and cool air come out separately... oh, wait... don't all ACs work that way?
Big disappointment, but not a surprise.
This will inevitably mean that Motorola will only focus on the X once it comes out and forget all about those poor folks who bought the origianl Droid/Milestone. Like me. Sigh.