
Maybe if you add some bacon to that cauliflower “steak” you won’t mind what it’s called? :)

If I were to blatantly lie in my job, like the delivery services are lying about having delivered a package, I would no longer have that job.  I get that “stuff” happens, and packages don’t make it on time, but saying it’s delivered when it obviously is not is a completely different situation.

Me, too!

I was in a private school and went into first grade much too early, at five years old (I have a December birthday). I spent the entirety of my first grade in the principal’s office. Immaturity was probably only one reason I acted out, but, in any case, I was not prepared for second grade in the slightest. So, they put

The very first Science Fiction novel I read was Between Planets, and I was hooked!  I owe RAH a great deal, given that I make my living by supporting technology, and my fascination and love of technology is due in no small part to my early exposure to Science Fiction.

I very much agree with Clive Wynne. We just adopted a 6-year-old dog, and she’s already (in just two weeks) very affectionate and engaged with us. Getting a dog that is already housebroken, walks on a leash, and we know some of the history of is an advantage to my way of thinking. Yes, we’ll have less time with her

I just disabled all the Bixby stuff, so the button does nothing, which is what I had on my Note8, so I’m OK with it without adding another app. I don’t need it to do anything, as it’s too easy to accidentally hit it, anyway. In a broader sense, I think it would be nice to be able to choose what it does (as long as “Not

I’ve heard that one is getting more prevalent. From what I understand, they just randomly call up rooms and launch into their spiel.  Since it’s often at an odd hour, a sleepy person is more likely to do what’s asked.  Info about this scam needs to be more widely known!

Unfortunately not an option on a Note 8. Interestingly, the help pages for this app also show how to do this! I was impressed that the author gave people a free way to do this, then wrote an app to make it better for those people and provide a way for the people who have phones that cannot do this, natively.

I love the idea of this. Already downloaded and purchased the Pro version, just to support the idea! I never just clear all my notifications on my phone (although I tend to on my tablet), but a notification is constantly popping up under my finger as I swipe, or one pops up and shifts the one I intended to swipe into

I sure wish I had a few million stars to give you! This covers nearly every annoyance with other drivers, for me.

I’ve made nearly $130 in the two and a half years I’ve been using it. As others have said, it is very much dependent upon where you go. And, I’ll second the “delete the app and reload it every so often” advice. I’ve noticed that I get more surveys just after I get a new phone, so I’m going to try deleting it every few

Precisely. I wish I had more than one star to give you for this.

Sorry, but that’s “period com.” That dot/point is called a period.

I was definitely raised this way, and I always say these words at every interaction I have with another person. Heck, I even tell my husband “Thank you for dinner” every time he pays (and he does the same for me). I am particularly emphatic about saying please and thank you to people who are providing me a service,

Having been on the other end, though, I can understand why you get asked. For me, when a previous employer used surveys, the expectation was to get “Exceeds expectations.” Well, if you give perfect service every time (and we did), there’s really no way to exceed their expectations any longer. So, I would be tasked

I’ll second Motorcraft. Not expensive, and they have the exact bracket connection needed, so no adapters! My 2013 Explorer and my 2017 Fusion came with them, and nothing else has worked as well on these vehicles.

I’ll second Motorcraft. Not expensive, and they have the exact bracket connection needed, so no adapters! My 2013

Collard, not collared.

Well, those of us who have Prime and think it is already a good value do appreciate learning about everything we can take advantage of to make it an even better value! I understand your point, though.

Apparently, your definition of “exact” and mine are different, not that it should not have been pointed out that the earlier model was reported on, previously.