
How did you find out where it came from? My dad had a heart transplant about 8 years ago and they wouldn’t tell us literally ANYTHING about it, other than it came from an 18 year old that was in an auto accident.

This seems like good use of this technology, until someone dies because some redneck/conspiracy theory/mal-informed soccer mom shoots one down on it’s way to the hospital.

Lol, have you seen Marcus Howard play basketball? He’s going for an Oscar every time he lands after taking jump shot.

We have Trupanion, fortunately we haven't had to use it so we don't have any personal reviews on their service. But I know she prefers them from a professional perspective as well. 

My wife is an emergency veterinarian and deals with this more or less daily. She has said shes seen an explosion in the number of people that have insurance for their pets and recommends it to everyone.

My first kid is 4 days old. So this is good information, but I’m curious about the impact of technology pick up. If I limit my child’s access to technology until they’re 5, am I putting them at a disadvantage in their ability to quickly grasp technology and quickly learn on technology based media? Which is looking

Also...I’m a fucking idiot and still conflate ligaments & tendons. I tore a patellar ligament. The point is the same and maybe even greater, I had a lesser injury than I originally stated, and the healing has lingered on for ages.

I was texting my buddy about hopefully getting Haskins, he was pretty sure they would do the right thing but I am a pragmatist. I told him I don’t trust the Brown family and we will probably take a boring white guard or tackle instead of making a move that sets us up for the future....sometimes I hate being right.

No, my insurance is actually great, my Ortho just thought surgery would increase the likelihood of a recurrence. Oddly, the older you are the lower the chances of this happening again get, and since I want to be able to ski again with some confidence, I decided to take the longer healing, but better long term

Yeah, the restaurant POS must be calibrated to do the initial authorization on the purchase then not fish for a second auth on the tip. But if they were doing a daily rec they should have been pulling the discrepant auths vs their deposit, eventually the trend would emerge that it was the same person every time. 

Whomever is in charge of accounting for this establishment should be drawn and quartered, that amount of discrepant CC authorizations should stand out like a red light in a snow storm. Jesus, CC reconciliations should be a top of the list daily task in any F&B environment.

Trader Joe’s non-fat Greek is the best “healthy” option I’ve found, low on the grit factor and higher in flavor than any other.

When you’re done with this exercise in futility, pop over to Indiana for a real tenderloin sandwich. The pork producers barn at the state fair will help you out. If it’s not fair time, Loughmillers downtown Indy gets my vote since Bourbon Street closed.

I tore my patellar tendon in November, I still can’t get my leg completely straight and most days I wake up with swelling. I’m only 34. Good luck, try to keep that thing intact.

Is there any good research on these “ultra millionaire taxes” it seems like we’re constantly talking about? It’s been a while since I took tax courses and my financial planning internships weren’t particularly useful, but it seems to me that if we do this there are a couple things no one ever brings up.

I can, and have, muted my microwave!

Cheese could be making you fat, also water wet and snow cold.

Cross The Highway Blindfolded Challenge!

Where do you think the foundation gets it’s money? According to their 2017 990 filing, a $10.5 Million contribution came from none other than Chick-Fil-A, Inc.

I personally don’t eat there, due to their outspoken stance regarding homosexuality, but chick-fil-a was the 8th ranked fast food restaurant by revenues in 2017 and they’re only open six days. If you think there is a war, then the side opposing chick-fil-a doesn’t event have a foothold on their own territory.