
The pigs name was Abby, Abby Normal.

As a fellow huge thigh haver, I generally lean towards the standard cut pants, but I can pull off the athletic as well. If you are in a larger city, the guide shops have staff that will let you try on ever combination of pant styles they have until you get the right one. Their product and service have made me, a life


Modern Technology - Fixing problems you never knew you had.

I think Greenwell is just a contrarian, there’s no other explanation for her poorly thought out food takes.

It’s anecdotal of course but allergy shots changed my life. I was the kind of guy that if I spent 30 seconds around a cat I would be messed up for 2 days. Now my wife and I have a cat and I generally have very little reaction.

To say nothing of the fact we touched almost 80 in Denver yesterday.

Votto, being Canadian, also apologized for being in the way of the pitch.

Honestly its obnoxious that we’re letting technical accuracy get in the way of what was actually fucking happening. The Virginia player was actively trying to swat the ball, the end result of what he did could have ended no other way than the ball going out of bounds, but we let the fact that he got lucky and the ball

Haha, this just as CO gets ready for a four year project to expand I-70 northeast of the city. But they’re going to bury like 4 blocks of it and build a park on it...so...yay?

Good assessment, and the interesting thing to me is the idea that maybe they’re actually onto something, at first, but then the cause gets taken up by a bunch of people whom delegitimize any firm ground there may have been.

Well...that's a completely different type of K-Hole

We’ve been bombing innocent civilians in middle eastern countries for the better part of two decades. We created an environment in Libya that allows for open market slave trading. This is the fault of both sides of out politico-sphere...and we’re sitting here reading about the Dipshit in Chief saying something dumb

I...I think you hit “=” twice on the old adding machine there hombre. 

That place is great.

Denver has a bar called Forest Room 5. Both the interior and exterior are meant to make you feel like you’re in the forest, despite being close to downtown. Outside you can sit by a bonfire next to an old camper. Inside is a mess of random tchochkies related to the woods including taxidermied animals. The big screen

Does Samsung still bog your phone down with tons of unnecessary bloatware that you can’t delete? It’s why I switched to HTC and later Pixel because the amount of crap on a Samsung out of the box is obnoxious.


Damn, I was really hoping they would include a turbo option upstream in the packages. That 2.5T engine in my wife’s CX-9 is great in that monster, I can only imagine what it would be like in a sedan or hatch.

My drive to the coast was a godforsaken nightmare.